Jonas Albrecht

*20 years ago*
GenXer: Jesus, another idiot Boomer thinkpiece about Generation X. "Old man yells at cloud" indeed.
Millennial: Oh good, a GenXer has written another oldmanyellsatcloud.txt.
*20 years from now*
Scrapple: 'Llennials OldMan Cloudman vrrt vrrt. Again.

The C+ was generous. The movie was bad, and not even in a fun or weird way. It was just a boring slog full of cringey fucking dialog and blandness. Fuck this movie.

Have I died?

Does Ernest Cline enjoy the pop culture he consumes at all? The way he talks and writes about stuff makes it feel like he just doesn't give a shit about engaging with the material he exalts, beyond just being able to say "Seen it".

Good stuff.

Being a tepid mire of "Both Sides" commentary will be South Park's ultimate legacy.


As a security guard, I can relate.

I really miss that neighbor who had a crush on Francine.

Baby Driver rocked. I can't wait to see it again.

I can't get through The Nightmare on my own.

I figured that's what the blue shell was.

Hoping for that second round of DLC. If they add DK Mountain I'll have no complaints about MK8D.

Please don't suck.

No, I'm never going to not see her getting owned by a CGI skeleton now.

This is one of my favorite stories.

I guess I should be faithful that they used the actual song in the trailer instead of a mopey, slow cover of it.

Loved the "YEESSSSS!", hated the follow up line.

Snipperclips owns. It's singlehandedly the most fun I've had playing co-op since Affordable Space Adventures.

I read the novelization of the original Blaster Master. That poor boy went through hell to get his frog back.