Jonas Albrecht

The Switch.

Breath of the Wild has consumed not only my free time, but every bit of my on-the-go downtime as well. I've been really happy with what I can get done in 20 minutes, which is usually completing a sidequest or shrine. I love this game.

Twilight Princess has long been my favorite Legend of Zelda title, because for all it's faults, it nails this utterly lonely mood that I really enjoyed. I'm looking forward to Breath of the Wild capturing that same mood, while providing a solid game that emphasizes exploration. I can't wait to play this game.

All hail the original Bei Fong!

I want to see a pastry chef, a Harlem Globetrotter, an alien real estate sign spinner, a dude dressed as Grimace, and an office chair team up to save the world.

Looking forward to Paper Towns. And more AV Club commentators trying to put their fingers on just why they don't like John Green.

It's Both.

Mr Meeseeks, I'd like to change the results of this tournament.



When Harrison Ford dies, I will be inconsolable.

One of the very few episodes I've outright hated. I'm tired of disliking Finn.

Wait a minute. Hold on. Just one second.