I'm just wondering why all the open threads always have a picture of an animal sniffing the ground or staring back at you.
I'm just wondering why all the open threads always have a picture of an animal sniffing the ground or staring back at you.
5% tax?! Where is this heaven?
I hate it when people tell me that they don't update their PC because they heard that it might be bad for them.
VOTE: Copy item, paste item.
VOTE: Hamachi
@atomic.resistance: No one knows whether the product's name was chosen wisely or not, even the programmers.
@Posco Grubb: The point of having different product lines is mainly cause of the different pricings. It gives the consumers the option to choose the OS they want with fewer features which they know they won't use as well as making it more affordable for them.
Not only did this not work for me (which could probably be cause of a mistake I made), but it sent my core temperature to the roof! From a decent 56 deg. to a rocketing 74!
TuneUp Utilities' Process Manager
I don't think its entirely true that that if you rack your brain hard enough you won't get what your thinking about.
Is there any way to use the VNC client through bluetooth between PCs.