
Not that it matters or that it’s worth arguing, but in fact that isn’t exactly what you said:

Yes I couldn’t believe that either. I feel bad for her niece and I feel bad FOR THE DOG. That dog is going to end up being put down because Kim doesn’t know basic training principles. They need Cesar Milan up in that show for real.

Mine has been positive too, but France is as diverse as the U.S. You can date a Parisien and then a Bordelais and have two *very* different experiences.

For someone spouting open-mindedness you sure seem closed minded when it comes to dealing/talking about someone who chooses not to have casual sex. They must be a puritan if they don’t want to do it? That’s the *only* reason? And they *must* have a superiority complex if they don’t engage in casual sex? Come on, now

Oh my gosh, I found Franco-American relationships (real, long-term ones) extremely complicated!

"Lol" a $1,000+ p/piece detail.

Gurrrrrl where is your sunscreen?!

Your name is just so perfect

Oy vey.

Hands down, best comment in the thread.

I'm all for showering with my save water. Be a sustainable, responsible human and go screw anywhere else in your humble abode! :)

You should be proud of this one.

Right?! I loved N'SYNC but I think my reaction was just "Ok, whateves. BaiJT"

I hate skinny shaming as much as I hate fat shaming, so thank you for this :)

Is it really that serious? And so what if this person is new? Why should that matter?

I'm sorry you had such a bad relationship, but that was one person. Not all people are like that.

He should start by having a conversation, maybe. Just because someone is insecure about something doesn't make them a "horrible person." And if he's had to "show the door so many times," then maybe the SO's insecurity might be a little bit justified? Who knows? Anyway, I still say communicating, keeping an open mind,

How the heck did you stay? I ask in a genuine way because I don't know if I would have the strength. To me the emotional cheating is far worse than the physical. People can have physical connections that are meaningless, but opening ones heart to another means allowing oneself to become really, truly vulnerable.

Props to you, but I don't know how you held back the floodgates!