
Delusions of grandeur? Romanticizing protest? Will they all go out for a latte after to discuss?

Didn’t they just film a movie together?

I thought we already solved the mystery and Jon Benet was really Katy Perry?

I'd watch that tape. Not gonna lie. Have a sick fascination re: whether Cruz is cut or uncut, so I guess I'd find out?

I would read that shit in one sitting, start to finish.

They could, but odds are it would be faster/cheaper to just go to the same group and buy the info from them.

Now the question is: will Apple sue the FBI and demand that they turn over information about the security exploit? It could happen.

Problem? Start with feeling love for the problem. You will then know what step you wish to take.

Oh my God, yes. It’s such a knee jerk thing and you never get anything out of anyone except that word.

Co-signing this. I literally haven’t been able to get a Hillary hater to respond to valid criticism. It always is deflected back to “well Hillary did this other thing!”

Imagine you are still undecided and agree with them both, but keep getting yelled at by one side. I imagine that might make you less enthusiastic about that side’s candidate. Unless you just love being yelled at, I suppose.

This doesn’t. It doesn’t make it any less true. It also means as a Clinton supporter I’ve decided to stop being “polite.” I’m not a turn the other cheek sort of person. That is the kind of attitude that gave rise to the Tea Party. It doesn’t work. Bullies get off on bullying and like rapists, they thrive with silence.

There is also the fact that when questioned about his plans for change he doesn’t really seem to have any, he is an NRA shill, blamed his wife (and we know that man has a tax accountant) for not showing his Taxes because it ruined his “common man” bullcrap, and his interaction with women mirrors many of his followers

I really, REALLY don’t understand the misogynistic shit that I’m seeing from Bernie supporters. I voted for Bernie in my state because his policies are most in line with mine, but you bet your ass I’d vote for Hillary if she wins the primaries.

So this is a genuine - not trolling - But, you are absolutely right that we’ve never been anything but cognizant of races in modern society. But, part of the consequences and impact (positive or negative,) of race is from how others and society as a whole treat us. If she was seen by the public at large as a black

It’s only her hair in the sense that she bought it.

Yeah she’s taking Lean In to a whole other stratosphere.

On a whole different note: Kate is still killing the dress game in India.