
.....but.....but....she’s ROSARIO DAWSON!!

......Prudie is a known fister...

.......Oh Dear.........first of all, “Ann Landers”, the sister of “Dear Abby”, came out in print in the ‘70s in favor of fisting (not per se, but she advocated masturbation).....second of all, as I’m sure society will agree with me here, this girl is clearly a whore.......lastly, pretty sure this letter was written by Dratch has no future......... is banging Orlando Bloom?? least they’re about the same size.....

....Jamie Foxx was never better.....MAD TV RIP.....sob.....

.....Naomi Watts dials a secret number.......

.....really? .....I thought the BernieBros were so “fluid” now.......huh.......

......thought it was called a handjob........

.....uncut, no doubt.......probably looks like the sickly tarnished labia hanging from an old whore.....

.....especially Heidi!

....imagine if he blew Ted, or Ted him, while roomies......maybe a little hj?

........probably still pretty accurate today...... an Old, that notion of security makes me laugh because even “the Matrix” had a glitch 20 years ago.....


....did we??

......also, let’s be honest: Rachel Dolezal was the best thing to happen to 2015.........there are not many things left nowadays that make you go, “HUH?!”...........(still loved Maya’s take on her)

.... “tho no one wanted her to (return)“ .....sez who? I want to see Rachel Dolezal campaign for Donald Trump!.......

....if you were old enough to be an adult in ‘92, you remember the Repugnantcans being shocked and furious that, thanx to Ross Perot, Bill won the White House.......they’ve never forgotten it and never let up on the Clintons....every time I hear, “Benghazi”, I reply, “Who was in the White House on 9/11?”

....tell ‘em, kiddo....