Husain Abdullah. He's the Chiefs safety that caught shit for praying towards Mecca after scoring on a pick-six last year
Husain Abdullah. He's the Chiefs safety that caught shit for praying towards Mecca after scoring on a pick-six last year
Good luck, kid.
What took you guys so fucking long?
Stand by for 40,000 word Greg Howard article
Do you fucking like ANYTHING?! Goddamn you Gawker bloggers are some miserable people
Same suffocating defense and head-scratching offense
I wonder if Deadspin will still suck his dick after this
Yeah, because soccer doesn't have any corruption, shitty fans or money hungry organizations
The Chiefs have a LONG history of trading for 49er backup/washout QBs. Just look at the one they have now. So go ahead and add Kaep to Alex Smith, Elvis Grbac, Steve Bono, Joe Montana, Steve DeBerg....
Did you read the story? He did have marijuana in his possession
Your a fucki’n moran
Well played, sir
Captain Insano shows no mercy
I love this
Wow, this plus your all’s weird hatred of Joe Buck. Holy fuck Royals fans are sensitive. Shut the fuck up and enjoy your WS victory
I realize this may be a very unpopular opinion, especially given all the self righteousness in the comment sections of Gawker Media but.... Maybe he didn’t do it...
AKA People Who Have Never Been In A Real Fight But Watch A Lot Of UFC
Living in KC over the last few years, I can't help but notice how incredibly sensitive Royals fans are