
Yep, a missed field goal.

I’ve never understood the “love it or leave it” types. I do love it. I could move to France tomorrow—my wife is French, I fucking adore the country, and I’ve done everything I need to do to acquire citizenship except the “actually ask for citizenship” part—but I don’t want to leave the US and neither does she (she got

Fuuuuuck yes. And that hand on the shoulder is something, too. Not as good as a kneel, but it’s a start. I hope this spreads, and spreads, and spreads.

I don’t appreciate that comment, nor would he.

It’s interesting that Buffalo’s kicker is so left leaning in his beliefs, considering their most famous kicker is best known for how far right he is.

“My name spelled backwards is okenrub, because okenrub mah penis after I write these things”

Can we get the garden tool into the HoF?

Been lied on a lot over the years

The absolute ruining of RGIII by the severe mismanagement of the Washington staff

Robert Griffin is like that freshman in college who goes through 5 roommates his first semester because all of THEM are crazy.

Stop being a purity trolling asshole. It isn’t “telling” except inasmuch as so many people disagree with you, and you seem to so very much want to accuse them of something (why is it “telling”? we want to know) rather than acknowledge that you fucked up the landing on this one. You can try to passive aggressively

The phrasing you chose and the decision to close with it makes it seem as though that is your central thesis. That a small but well-intentioned and well-executed article is not inclusive of all issues even tangentially related to problems of gender equality in tennis and is therefore bad. It is pretty telling that you

I mean you turn an article about how Andy Murray is trying to do some good into how Andy Murray isn’t doing good enough with a single unnecessary paragraph.

it’s worth noting what he’s missing.

When you make that ridiculous catch and in the end it doesn’t matter:

Nah. Acting like a fucking child because you were wronged is still acting like a fucking child.

Sorry man. One day the Yankees’ ship will come in.

Daily reminder that Bob Ley is a national treasure.

While you make interesting points, one thing to remember first and foremost is that KD is a bitch.