I don’t get it. THIS IS NOT HOW IT WORKS. You choose to get rid of things that don’t bring you joy. If you are getting rid of things just to appease your girlfriend or are going along with the whole process because ‘UGH, LADIES AMIRITE BRO?’
I don’t get it. THIS IS NOT HOW IT WORKS. You choose to get rid of things that don’t bring you joy. If you are getting rid of things just to appease your girlfriend or are going along with the whole process because ‘UGH, LADIES AMIRITE BRO?’
I get so frustrated at guys whinging that their partner “makes” them contribute to household chores. Fine, they’d be happy to live in near squalor, but heaven forbid their partner leaves stuff around the sink!
Anyway, if you’re upset your significant other is making you sell a $1,100 snakeskin jacket that you never wear but like to tell other people you have, you’re lucky she’s not tossing you out with the rest of the joyless crap. Just one clutter-submerged woman’s opinion!
Living in cluttered, disorganised chaos with a person with hoarding tendencies who doesn’t like to part with even useless possessions is not a ‘minor flaw’.
Gofundme page? She made more money this year than any of Us and you know she’s going to turn this into a payday too.
I still remember when some tabloid caught her crying on a park bench a few years ago and made fun of her. Gah.
OMG, I remember watching this episode as a kid and having a "moment". Because I had an aunt with CFS and the whole family was basically like "she is lazy". This episode was a little uncomfortable. And ten year old me realized that most of my family we're being assholes.
GG got so much right. I loved her confrontation with the doctor.
She’s always been near the top of my “why hasn’t she happened?” list. I know we hate Crash but she gave as good as she got in her scenes with Don Cheadle.
I always thought Jennifer Esposito was (is) exceptionally beautiful. This is all I really have to add to this dirt bag.
I’ve heard rumors that BCoop is gay for years. I have really no opinion on whether he is or not, and I don’t consider it a negative. He can be gay or straight or bi or fluid or whatever floats his boat. But Jennifer Esposito’s “ha” might have more depth to it.
Thank you... awful song is awful! How it won a prestigious award is a mystery to me.
I have so much respect for Selma Blair right now. Canes are a very fraught topic for people who need them because they’re so othering. Having a famous person unapologetically rock her (gorgeous) cane really matters for disability representation.
I did not see A Star is Born, so I am probably missing a lot here. I watched the Oscar performance and that song is terrible, and the chemistry between them seemed very put on and fake. If I saw the movie would I become a believer? Would I like that awful song? Is B Coop better at singing in the movie?
If they are women likely the doctors are not listening to them.
100%. I got my “post-baby body” (read: a body with *gasp!* stretch marks & saggy boobs) at age 11 when puberty ran my ass over like a mac truck going 150. I went from normal kid to looking like a 32-year-old who had 4 kids in less than three months, because not only did my body mature, my face did, too. I’ve had…
your ignorance hurts.
the diamonds keep the outfit high class.