
I do enjoy Gayle’sthis asshole” face and calm, stoic demeanor in the midst of Kelly’s dramatic closet-entrapment reenactment.

I am getting more of a ‘why do I have to put up with this clownshoe and his shit?’ vibe that you get more and more from the douches propping up a certain orange shitgoblin nowadays.

Frost up the martini glasses Lou and put the vodka in the freezer.....Gayles gonna need a few methinks.

God knows I do.

He was blaming the parents for selling their daughters to him, which would be undoubtedly horrible if true, but he doesn’t seem to realize that means he was trying to buy them.

He flat out denies that he’s had sex with anyone under the age of 17

She said during CBS This Morning that she didn’t feel the least bit threatened.

What a powerful header image. Gayle King, you are a strong lady.

I kind of doubt it really happened that way. (I hope). She probably feels awful about all of it. I have no evidence, but honestly anyone would feel a ton of conflicting things. I would be worried about how it would affect my life if I were her; it is only natural when you are in the public eye and young and fucked up.

Mine also flipped around 32-33 weeks. I just bounced on a exercise ball non-stop on the advice of my midwife. 

I co-sign all of this. I had a terrible OB for my first delivery who shamed me and wanted me on the pitocin like the day I was due, even though I told him it was common in my family to be late. I had to talk him out of pitocin on day one, and when I finally did deliver, I had been in labor for 3 hours and he came in

I’m just about to start navigating the Dutch system and I’ve heard it’s quite hands off (hardly any prenatal screening etc) unless you’re medically at risk but they’re pretty relaxed if you want to give birth at home or in the hospital. I definitely think the American system seems overly medicalised and I don't know

I’m glad it helped! :) Mourning the birth you wanted is a great way to describe it - I definitely had to do that. And knowing I’d feel better once my baby born calmed me a little, but didn’t really help me feel less sad until he was actually born. Hang in there! 

Exactly. I’m not advocating for not monitoring the baby while mom is in labor, but to tell a laboring woman to lie motionless on her side is to basically send her on the road to medical intervention. When I was laboring I was all over the place. I was on my side, on all fours, on a ball, on the toilet, on the floor,

I did all the spinning babies stuff at 36 weeks and my baby flipped. That shit works! Finding a board you can lie down on is the hardest part I think. Also my mom said that I was breech until something like 39 weeks and that when I finally flipped it was THE WORST but also good. That was back in the day when they

Your comment feels like a hug. I told a few friends who’ve had cesareans, and they don’t seem to get it. I feel like I’m mourning the birth that I really wanted. I mean, I know after it’s all done and over with I’ll be happy she’s here and healthy, but I’m just so sad and scared right now. I’m glad your recovery is a

Get your options and if you have to, travel elsewhere for consultations. You are in the driver’s seat, you get to call the shots. Don’t let anyone change what you want until you have all the answers and are comfortable(as one can be) with the decision. They are medical professionals but that doesn’t mean they always

I had non-stress testing throughout my third trimester which included twice weekly ultrasounds to measure amniotic fluid. As a bonus, we got to see the baby a lot. And my son flipped from breach to head down (and back again... and again) in the last weeks of my pregnancy. When I went in for delivery, he was head down.

Have you looked at The techniques there worked for me. My baby was breech at 30 weeks, and flipped at 32. I am not sure how many resources you have in your area, but many chiropractors are skilled in the Webster technique to help a baby turn. Acupuncture can also help. Finally, your doctor can try

I’m Swedish. We’re not allowed to chose c-sections unless absolutely necessary. It’s also hard to get an epidural at all and for the people who get epidurals they’re not strong. I’ve heard that the strenth of epidural we get for c-sections is the same women giving birth vaginally get in the US. Lot’s of people rip all

Really? Enough people have successfully given birth vaginally after a c-section that it can safely be assume to be safe for the vast majority. You have to if course evaluate each individual, and for some a second c-section will be necessary, but even in the US 60-80% of women who give birth after a c-section have

I’m pretty crunchy in a lot of ways, but when it comes to birth I’m generally a “you do you/as long as the baby is healthy” type o’ person - but man that last paragraph is troubling. For some reason I thought the C-Section rate in the US was dropping? But I haven’t given birth since 2011, so maybe the trend reversed