Jolly Old St Nicotine

Is Christina Hendricks auditioning for the part of a sexy WWII pilot or the all-female remake of “Top Gun?”  I do not understand that outfit at all.

He’s gonna bring in Kurt Rambis to try to run the triangle, isn’t he?

What’s wrong is you have not shared said lyrics with us.

It’s always the other side of the family that brings shame to Wayne Enterprises.  

Gets posted as a reply to all their various desperate acts, especially Gun Girl. But I totally believe this is an accurate depiction of these morons.

The Lakers are scarcely 10 percent of the way through their season, and Johnson has already made it clear that there are “intense and immediate pressures” on Walton to win right now.

I hope someone cracks this case, and cracks it soon.

What are they going to do, deconstruct the perfectly good home that was used for exterior shots only, and update the interior so it will have one bathroom and no toilet for 9 residents?

Unless they change the outside house to match the inside house (which is not possible), this is not a thing. For fucks sake people, we all know the outside shot in no way resembled what is looked like on the “inside”.

Is Brady Bunch still a thing for people? I thought that kind of ironically peaked in the nineties because that (including me) was the generation who watched the reruns in the 80's. I have now exhausted my pop culture commentary for the evening.

If I can get in the routine of running for about two weeks, at that point I start actually enjoying it quite a bit. No one believes me except other runners.

Working out, like many, many things in life, is worse in the anticipation than the actual doing. Once you’re working out, there’s endorphins and stuff, and it’s fine. But the dread that precedes it? That’s the problem.

At least Manny’s horrific deformity has the side of effect of distracting from the fact that Alex Rodriguez appears to be riding him around in some sort of Master Blaster situation.

That movie would have been over in 10 minutes as I assume it would just end with Tina Turner and A-Rod dating.

Who run Bartertown?!

As a born and bred Detroiter, there’s some bad sports years on the horizon. The Tigers and the Wings both hung on to aging stars for too long and have a lot of awful losses coming as the go through rebuilds that are five years overdue. The Pistons ray of hope is Blake freaking Griffin, so no hope there.

How is he not Trump’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development? These are precisely the qualifications sought by this administration. Ben Carson has no experience in the purview of HUD, but Jared has actual, experiential HOSTILITY to it, which is even “better” in that crowd; see: DeVos, Betsy.

We must, we must, we must increase our bust. This was definitely the pg13 book that all the girls were trying to get ahold of in elementary school until we discovered V.C. Andrews that is.

You're like the only person here that doesn't like Arby's

Canadian geese are the goddamned worst. When can we make sandwiches out of them?