I just bought (bought should be a big indicator of how old I am) Dead Sara today.
I just bought (bought should be a big indicator of how old I am) Dead Sara today.
You know, I looked at a ton of street shots from Milan today. They were FILLED with Gucci. It’s still bad to me but I could finally see how it appeals to others.
Thank you!! I gave up on the video after I was about 5 minutes in and still looking at the title card.
I am pretty sure I’m the only person sitting on the anti-Gucci train at this point. I just find this terribly ugly
It is SO basic. It’s like when Norm Core was a thing. But that was a long time ago and Norm Core is not a thing anymore (I hope anyways) so why does this collection exist?!?!
If both parties actually liked the same solution - this conflict could have been resolved years ago!
Plus isn’t this the second time they’ve done this?!?! You’d think they would have learned their lessons the first time around
I am getting very tired of the excuse that “everyone makes mistakes” after each intentional lie. It’s not a mistake if you do it on purpose!
dammit. Now you have me laughing like Gronk!
Totally off topic but what is up with that hand hold? It’s awkward as hell
SO true. But also, the same (legit) story can be presented in a multitude of ways because of bias. So to get to the real story, you sometimes have to read a couple different sources. And no one has time for that so they take the soundbite because it’s easier and they run with it. Trump’s team knows this and are…
I like how he’s thrilled to talk to an “everyday person”. Because if he’s to be believed, EVERYONE he talks to is supposed to be an “everyday person” as he doesn’t recognize celebrity
Such a great point. Quite frankly, that one got by with all the other items to choose from here.
I had to click through to the article to see just who goes to Dave & Buster’s anymore!
John Dingell has been great on Twitter lately!!!!!
How close are you to a sanctuary city?
yes, yes, yes! and to look at the Cabrini Green area now........
Perfect response. And you are right on with the lack of leadership within the gangs. That’s primarily due to the big roundups Rahm did to show he was tough on crime. The problem is, he took away the protocol (as you put it) and left it to as the wild, wild west
Four hours? The Indiana border is 20-30 minutes away from the city. Indiana, thanks to Mike Pence, has much more lax gun laws than Chicago.
what you fail to mention in the part about gun control and where people are getting their guns is that they are, for the most part, getting them from Indiana. Thanks, ex-Governor Pence.