
Very pretty, the colors soothe me.

Thank you!! Keep an eye on my shop! It’s empty right now but they should both be up in the next week.

The NY one is yours, girl! Your idea :) I’ll get it to you this week.

They say it’s easier to get a job once you have one and I found that to be true. I got a job, teaching as an adjunct, at the local community college and made it into a full time position. Then we moved :( Now I got a job doing something I’m ridiculously overqualified for but I help people, it pays the bills and I’ll

Hi friends! I spent the afternoon with my sister and her husband in a corner bar, just because it was a drinking kind of day and we are going on a cruise and needed to plan things, like who is bringing the backgammon​ and how much little Tito’s bottles we need for the plane. Details!

Hey! I’m in kind of a similar boat. Two years out of undergrad, and lost a really cool job and my hopes of being able to live on my own soon. Hang in there. Job searching is the suck.

Hey Jezzies! Man I haven’t made it to a SNS on an actual Saturday in ages! Let’s have this be a “Tell Me Something Good! Tell Me That You Like It!” thread! I’ve basically had to limit my actual news following to very small amounts so I don’t rage stroke. So, what’s good in your life or in the world that you want to

It took me three tries but I think I finally managed to make a perfect batch of macarons this week! I’m super proud of myself. My first batch was good but sloppy because I tried to DIY a piping bag out of a ziplock baggie, which didn’t work out as well as I had hoped. The cookies were tasty but too uneven in shape

Hi Jezzies.

I make it from scratch with my great grandmothers recipe and put a big dollop of whip cream on each piece I cut.

Though it probably felt like you couldn’t go on without her, you’ve done it for almost 10 years. That’s something to be proud of. Deal with it however you can, grief is very personal.

Craft Thread!

Some things:

1. I went to see Beauty and the Beast. I was kind of forced. It was okay. I guess the big gay moment was Le Fou briefly dancing with another man who apparently liked to dress like a woman. K. Oh. Spoiler alert.

2. I have this neighbour who is super invested in her 16 year old daughter’s relationship. Like

Happy SNS from Sheela the Irish Wolfhound as a baby puppy!!!!!!

Hello lovely people of Jez. In the spirit of keeping you guys posted, I underwent a breast tomosynthesis and ultrasound this week and the doctor said “I don’t see anything I worry about here”. One of the areas of interest is a cyst and the other is a clump of breast tissue. I was advised to schedule a genetic risk

So, she sounds like she is a high-functioning, high achiever that is probably a really nice person but a “good girl”—maybe a little bit? My point with saying that is that I got caught in this cycle with my ex of thinking that I could somehow work or reason my way out of him behaving the way that he did if I could just

I had a friend like this who I no longer speak to (for many reasons, but her judgement in relationships didn’t help). I think you should keep being her friend but establish your own boundaries so you don’t end up resenting her. If you don’t like being around the guy make sure not to hang around him often, don’t go to

When I was in an absolutely awful relationship a mutual friend of ours (a woman) told me, right in front of him...”When you get tired of being this asshats doormat and banker, and leave him, you can come over to my house, any hour of the day or night...and I will help you, because I was once in a relationship like

This sounds like my friendship with my high school best friend. She was dating a loser who was uninteresting and overly opinionated on the most banal subjects. He also cheated on my friend. Made her think she was the reason he got kicked out of college. Persuaded her to move to another state where he could get

It blows my mind how men like that can have/keep girlfriends!