
And ya know what? They’re LITERALLY two dimensional and I see more honesty and openness of emotion in them than in any of Woody Allen’s fantasy of what women are like.

This is a fair point. His female characters DO have dramatic depth— but by that I mean, from a cinematic viewpoint, they’re constantly either A- having some sort of dramatic nervous breakdown, or B - acting like Allen’s idea of the perfect manic pixie dream-woman (a woman so flaky and unsure of herself but also

And my god, I didn’t even know she was in a Polanski movie (I don’t watch them), but fuck, to defend working for him? Sorry, babe, but that one is pretty open and shut. I don’t know how anyone can justify working for him. (To be clear, I don’t think anyone should work with Woody Allen either).

This. It blows my mind that people get so caught up in whether Dylan’s allegations are true. Just the fact that Allen engaged in a sexual relationship with his de facto stepdaughter - the sibling of his children - a young woman who had a history of being abused and neglected and therefore would have been exceptionally

Paris, je T’aime?

And Julia Roberts tells the therapist she thinks Woody Allen is sexy, probably the least plausible sentence ever spoken in a movie.

It’s the accent. If this were a Michael Bay film, we’d all know that she was a smart, capable woman because she wears glasses. But because Michael Bay makes low art, and she engages in high art, we are all supposed to know that she is a smart, capable woman because she has a refined British accent.

Is the permanent file the same one where they put the misconduct complaints that the officer can have wiped clean after something like 18 months?

This is a state that counts among its largest metropolis’s, cities named Gary and Wayne. They take their white males seriously over there.

“Annie Hall—NOPE”

I haven’t seen Hannah and her Sisters, but in all of the Woody Allen movies that I have seen, women are muses/manic pixie dream girls, and since 1980, they have been decades younger than the male lead, who is often Allen himself and has no redeeming characteristics.

Any chance it’s an allegory to Allen’s own experience? He “gets away with murder” and gets to live in the lap of luxury?

“I’m so sick of Hollywood acting like it’s such an honor to star in a Woody Allen movie. He’s an insecure, neurotic white guy who likes to fuck young girls who makes movies for insecure, neurotic white guys who want to fuck young girls. He hasn’t made a decent movie in years.”

Manhattan.... maybe his worst movie yet everyone acts like it’s one of the best, nothing about it is believable.

I can’t stand Annie Hall. I can’t stand Mia Farrow’s character in Purple Rose of Cairo.

His female characters are consistently neurotic, self-absorbed manipulators whose primary plot function is to cause problems for men. Sometimes they’re played for laughs, sometimes for tragedy, but they are always a pastiche of negative female stereotypes. Actresses want these roles because they allow for Oscar-baity

Actors clamor to be in his movies because they know that other old white dudes in the industry love to watch his movies, So their performance could lead to better roles. You just made me realize that my local art house theater hasn’t shown one of his movies in years. Now I’m wondering if it’s because they were

“Dweebish,” literary men who are often seen as stand-ins for Allen himself, sometimes even played by Allen himself. But nope, no one sees a connection... and Soon Yi is clearly so very devoted to him, so how can you fault a man for ~falling in love~ with her just because he was a paternal figure* throughout her

...with much older men who look like Allen, no less. His offerings should have to compete with science fiction because nothing but mind control explains that.

Woody Allen has repeatedly written young, beautiful women falling in love with much older men. It grosses me out.