
I feel like those of us that dislike bezels detest them more because “future gadgets” are almost always depicted as having edge-to-edge screens and we want to have the future now.

At an office baby shower, I said that I didn’t want to have children because I don’t think I’d be a good mother. The woman we were throwing the baby shower for turned to me and said “You know how to find out if you’ll be a good mother? Have children.”

“This is the bed you made, you have to lie in it.”

My first year out of college, a saleswoman at a high end department store (where I was running an errand for my dragon lady boss) told me to marry a very rich man, get a payday, divorce him and then marry for love later in life.

I was in boxing for most of elementary through high school. I was told frequently that boys don’t like athletic girls, let alone girls that could beat them up.

Now playing

It’s so crazy that there’s this idea that a woman is doomed to be unloved for the rest of her life after she hits a certain age—but divorced people are able to find other partners later on, and they’ve passed their so-called “expiration dates” as well. Just shows that statistics can give you an overall idea of odds,

I’ve been told more than once that if I expect things to be 50/50 in a relationship that I’m going to die single. OKAY!


Yea, in all fairness, she has an internet connection and literally nothing but free time on her hands. She isn’t a single mother working two jobs and trying to make ends meet, she is a “celebrity” who could easily access this kind of information. And not having a lot of education isn’t really an excuse- there are

It’s because she’s incapable of having an opinion. When she’s owned by corporate sponsorships and skipped out on school for a modeling career, she’s only capable of having Quinn Morgendorfer-level, superficial thoughts: Which is my best side? Can you see my pores? and saving only the cute animals.

Aren’t “Kendall sources” and Kendall’s “management” one and the same?

Jesus Kendall, maybe go out there and do something that shows you aren’t as tone-deaf as this ad made you seem? Join a protest, donate some money, be willing to get arrested to make a point? If you are still butt-hurt about the Pepsi ad you could always just, you know, prove the critics wrong.

He looks like the villain in a CW western.

I have three pairs and am wearing them right now.

Lisa Bonet has a walking hat rack.

FAKE NEWS. I have three pairs and am wearing them right now

Hipster capitalists are almost adorable. 30 years from now, every company is going to make press releases like “Yo, we aren’t really doing healthcare coverage right now, but we treated all our employees to a mandatory ayahuasca retreat with Shaman Randall, so....”

It really isn’t this year. Last year the snow wasn’t bad but this year, woof. The first major storm we had dumped 26 inches at my house. I’m inland though, the coast hasn’t been hit nearly as hard this year.

I would make a “Not Today, Motherfucker!” thread going...

😘 it was fun! Also I dyed my hair dark brunette today (instead of the reddish I had before) and that wine-colored headband you sent me looks AMAZING. And since winter won’t let Maine fucking go, I’m getting a lot of use out of both of them!