
Some Republican Senators in states that did get the expansion are concerned about this though: Per the NYT “On Monday, four Republican senators — Rob Portman of Ohio, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Cory Gardner of Colorado and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska — signed a letter saying a House draft that they had

*votes for the guy who said dozens and dozens of times, over and over again, that he would get rid of Obamacare*

“Bring back the coal industry!”

But but but health savings account! That’ll do it. *insert a giant middle finger to the GOP here*

I remember at university, a bunch of the girls would say that this one professor was “hot”. I didn’t have a class with him for the first year but finally had a class with him my second year. I promptly went back to my friends after my first day of class and told them that their eyes were lying to them. They had been

THANK YOU he looks like what would happen if an attractive guy’s face melted for about 2 minutes and just stayed like that.

Have you seen most American conservatives? There’s not much to work with in that group. It’s not like any of them were ever a young Sanders, Biden, or Obama. Or Kennedy. Or Booker.

I wonder when the GOP voters and Trump supporters that won’t be benefitted by a tax credit will realize that this will fuck them over. They’ll probably hear “tax credit” and say “hey, free money!” Until reality hits later on...

It is so maddening that a tax credit is supposed to help pay for things. I make so little a tax credit will do zero to help me. It’s such a privileged political ploy.

It boggles my mind that people think he is attractive. Looks like a deflated, constipated smurf.

::virtual hug::

I’m eagerly waiting my tax refund right now so I can go ham in Michaels. Hoops and new floss and a shit ton of aida yasssssss!

I recently started crocheting, and my “crochet zone” is giant pile of yarn (combo of some I bought and some donated by my lovely grandmother). I aspire to your organization skills...

I run a woman’s owned business, so no, I won’t be on strike. BUT, we are wearing red to support women in the strike (myself and my coworkers) and we’re encouraging our clients to wear red, too.

This is the current rescue pup, who my husband lovingly refers to as either “New Guy” or “Brown Dog.”

Craft Thread!

I have just been feeling like garbage. My mental health is not good. I’m bored and lonely. I hate my job. Money is a problem. I feel like I am dealing with all the same problems I’ve been dealing with my whole life. Is it ever going to get better? Feeling pretty hopeless.

Currently growing my pixie cut, which I got in the summer. Here’s what it looked like back then:

That’s...odd. Is this verified?

orrrrrrr. order pizza and watch something on tv and DON’T get up. that’s also a good plan.