
If contributions are not required, seems to be this could easily become a town hall he never planned on having.

Please go and sneeze into your hand before shaking his

Same here! (New Orleans). Luckily one of my senators is holding a town hall tomorrow so I’m going, armed with my teacher’s ID and a binder full of printouts of why Betsy Devos is terrible and I’m damn sure going to to demand an explanation of his “yes” vote for her.

The local activist group in my area is doing this. I just wish they’d quit scheduling them for the middle of the day on weekdays so that working people could go.

Oh that ain’t the half of it:

I’m in Erik Paulsen’s district. He hasn’t held an in-person town hall in years, but does hold phone town halls, in which people whose phone number his office has are randomly called at an unannounced date/time to be invited to listen to him handpick his questions and not see any of his constituents face to face.

He probably hasn’t had a good poo for 20 years. Explains a lot.

God Mitch McConnell is everything wrong with politics. He literally hates his constituents, has no actual personal beliefs about anything but is the biggest party hack of all time. He is about the weakest person alive with absolutely no redeeming qualities.

What a fucknugget!

Exactly. This is public service. It’s your job to answer to your constituents. Start doing your job.

As some folks here know, I have a pretty minor admin role in congress, and I was once lucky enough to be graced by Grassley during a hearing that went well into the night. All the senators ordered Chinese food, for themselves and their staff, and took a small break to eat together. Everyone was enjoying themselves,

May I also suggest this sign:

I was just about to post something similar. I’m not a sore loser, I’m a pissed off citizen who doesn’t want to see my country destroyed by bigots and hypocrites.

One of my mom’s friends called our reps up for days to get a meeting. She told them she was calling the newspaper. She talked to a reporter and the reporter emailed our reps. Within hours a townhall was scheduled. She went to that meeting and told them off for gerrymandering districts in our area. In Wisconsin, it was

My representative, Jason “Why is it my problem if my neighbor owns slaves” Lewis of Minnesota-02, is spending his time off this week writing letters to the editor calling town halls “partisan, political-point scoring” and claiming his schedule is “particularly busy” and thus he’s unable to schedule a town hall (as

“I have never seen so many more sore losers as there are today.”

Here is how one went today for Chuck Grassley in Iowa. I wish I could have been there. Looks like he moved on without addressing a question from a translator who helped the US in Afghanistan.

Eleven years younger? Doing what she is supposed to be doing in Hollywood.

Oh my God. He looks like a vagrant version of Gregg Turkington.

He looks so gross in that picture, too. I always kind of assumed he didn’t smell very good.