
It also tacitly confirms the idea that being gay is directly caused my sexual abuse, and because of that, therapy can help resolve the issues stemming from that abuse (and lo and behold, one of those issues is being gay).

It’s a shame that someone who did suffer abuse is showing the clear psychological signs of that

Actual 13 year olds. Babies!

Oh I’m sure he and others will conveniently overlook that, as it would completely deflate the narrative of the left they want to keep pushing.

it’s just that there are so many of us now in general, the shallow end of the gene pool is heavily populated. we could use a good culling of that population.

he considers it a Schlapp in the face.

To me that’s the ultimate irony of the “ignore him and he’ll go away” argument: lots of us are trying really fucking hard to ignore him, but at some point it just becomes impossible.

“The Maralagopolitans” shall be the name of my next sweater-and-suede-shoe folk trio. I shall credit you in the liner notes of our first album, and I thank you right now.

“All women are whores except my own mother. If you ask my daddy, he’ll tell you the same thing.” — Horrible fucking thing I’ve heard too many times in my suburban childhood (said by boys too young to understand, but who loved aping the shit daddy said.)

I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that Schlapp doesn’t consider this to be speech suppression and conservative thuggery now does he?

Don’t forget the 55 year old bottle blond who dresses like she is trapped in a 1985 Robert Palmer video.

I read about that and that shouldn’t have happened to him. The adults in those situations were wrong to do what they did to him. He has a lot of fucked up views on things and maybe what happened to him contributed to them.

I’m starting to wonder if mankind isn’t just suffering from a backwards slip after progressing and evolving-

Well, at least CPAC says they’re against the evils of sexual abuse of children. It’s good to have that cleared up.

Now it’s time for him to fade off into obscurity until the end of time. A fitting ending to his 15 minutes of fame.

CPAC. What a bunch of liberal elites, suppressing his FREE SPEECH like that. If he wants to fuck 13 year old boys, that’s his first amendment right! You can’t just silence him because he’s telling it like it is!

A couple weeks ago facebook inexplicably suggested to me that I should “like” this jackass’s page. It did provide one benefit though, as I was able to see that one of my friends had already liked him (someone I went to HS with but probably never spoke to.) So I unfriended that guy.

Kind of makes me wonder what made Milo worthy of being disinvited but Phil Robertson was allowed to speak, despite his own comments regarding young teen girls.

Gee...what could that difference be...

I would argue that all 3 of those women get called out/have gotten called out for their white privilege and racist comments all the time in a way that I don’t see Maher get called out by anyone. I would argue that it’s less a white liberal issue and more of a white liberal guy issue. It’s the same with Bernie, god