
You know they don’t do this because it opens them up to lawsuits, right? Like, I don’t agree with it, but it’s not a mystery why people don’t use the word “lie” in print or on television.

Hey, there :)

This is why I think it is actually Bannon who has something on trump. I mean I knew trump was completely unqualified and incompetent, but I actually don’t think he wanted to destroy all our institutions. He’s not a deep thinker and most likely never even gave them much thought, all he ever cared about was how he could

It won’t. They’ll write him off as not a true republican and continue with more of the same until another Trump comes along and repeat the process. These people are under the delusion that they are doing the lord’s work and many proclaim that they were called on by God to lead (W, Santorum, Huckabee). God is

Look! It’s easy to print and tape on a wall:

Putin played a winning long game here.

By applying pressure towards a Trump presidency he got his wish. Hillary had enough possible baggage to be “doubted” out of character supremacy despite the reality of Trump baggage.

I like that analogy better - if there were not millions of us sitting outside the pot for decades, screaming about the pot before any of this shit went down.

Exactly. His constant labeling any critical reporting as fake news while proclaiming himself as the only one telling the truth to the people is classic dictatorial tactics. His administration is rapidly eroding democracy right before our eyes.

I am having this conversation in several places.

Of all the terrible things Trump is trying to do, the thing I find the most pressing to stop is his energetic sustained attempt to destroy the free press. God only knows what he’ll do if he manages to fuck up the press and nobody can see what he’s doing. I’m curious to know if this is something people here have been

We’ve been wondering what traits will be required for a Republican to openly challenge Trump, and now we know.

This guy has multiple scandals behind him that would normally take someone completely out of the running for a cabinet position. I didn’t even realize this was the same guy who, as Oklahoma AG, was involved in the botched execution there until I saw it on Maddow last night; for entirely political reasons, he pushed

Just stop.

The enemy of my enemy is my newspaper.

The ones that are still rabidly supporting him are pathetic and small-minded and they will be there until the bitter end praising the Dick Traitor. There are others who are quietly backing away and hoping that no one remembers their #MAGA hashtags, tacky shirts and the bullshit they were shouting.

GUYS - The story isn’t that Pruitt was confirmed. The story is that Pruitt was confirmed days before there’s going to be a 3000 email dump of his departments communications with Big Oil. He was been withholding public requests for documents illegally for years. A judge demanded he release them and the fucking congress

I was on my phone, and I didn’t really expand my thought. It was more a response to this:

More like “took ten rough hours” amirite? Happy Friday!

I prescribe a lot of PrEP. I’ve had five out of maybe 350 contract HIV. Guys get on PrEP and think they are bulletproof which I have to state over and over again that they are not. Seroconversion on PrEP is more common than people think - these are just case reports being highlighted at conferences. Adherence is