
She is the only person I think who can truly unite the Bernie people, with her laser-like focus on wealth inequality, and Hillary people, with her intersectional views on social issues.

One of the other senators did get to read the whole thing later after Mitch figured out he’d been really stupid.

We’ll just need to elect more like her.

Sen. Warren is my senator. Apparently there were some recent polls that had her a little uncertain with her reelection in 2018. I think her Massachusetts polling problems have been solved.
I was already planning on volunteering with her reelection campaign, with the concern it would be an uphill battle. Mitch McConnell

Is it really impugning someone if what you are saying is the truth? Maybe Mitch McConnell doesn’t think Jeff Sessions is a racist but Coretta Scott King experienced his racism firsthand and (my Senator!) Elizabeth Warren was just reading the facts.

With the number of people rolling over in their graves, we could probably solve the energy crisis if we tapped into that energy. Think the GoP is in favor of necromancy?

Honestly, I doubt he’d be surprised. He’d be disappointed, but not surprised.

The first idiot froze. The second one had a chance to fix it, then he himself froze. One ended up President. The other in a Cabinet position.

Right. I checked it out and he said he didn’t hear his name. He also said that he explicitly ignored the stage hand who tried to get him to go out because he was previously told to wait till he heard his name. Then he blamed the event for having poor stage management. Somehow everyone else heard and he then ignored

You can hear a little bit at the end of this clip where they tried to say that the audience was clapping so loud that no one could hear their own names.

Except, you know , all the other guys.

That actually made me lol, then have a sad. :(

To be fair, Jeb is probably happier being out of power. He can spend his time coloring with his brother now.

I once said “oh Jesus, obviously Hillary Clinton is going to win. We all know it.”

Come back Jeb!, come back!

I remember this.

that’s how it feels

I was so happy and innocent last year when I thought no way in hell one pf these clowns would get elected. Ah the folly of youth.

And they’re working to repeal the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits religious institutions from endorsing politicians. This will effectively erode the separation of church and state. I’m going to start crying in 3 seconds, as soon as I leave my work, a non-profit organization.

ahh, back when our fright seemed staged.

One of these men is now President, and one is in charge of HUD. Let that sink in.