
I agree. People who say poor Melania remove her agency to make her own decisions. SHE is the one who sued a 10 yr old youtuber, SHE is the one who sued a 70 year old. SHE is the one choosing to stay in NYC and cost taxpayers mad money. SHE is an independent shitty person as well, just because she hates her shitty

Their intimate relationship aside, she can’t have it both ways. She can’t not want to be FLOTUS and still try to capitalize on the title.

Huh? I mean Im having an egg salad on a roll and some ice cream after... but I didn’t think that they made a fat shaming comment but just pointing out how many right wingers were critizing Michelle for trying to have healtheir lunches in school and promoting exercise... that’s not a bad thing... I don’t think that’s

Well, obviously gays don’t want to prey on fat children! We only want to convert fit and healthy children to our gay and devious ways.

And why is it a New York Minute and not a Nashville Minute? Because of the gay agenda! or something....

Now playing

Michelle Obama was on Colbert shortly after the Access Hollywood footage dropped (or was it shortly before, can’t remember) ... Colbert asked her what she thought of Melania and made a point about how she didn’t have “sympathy” for her because it was a choice she made to stand besides her husband.

This is why I hate people.

When Julia Ioffe wrote a profile of Melania she didn’t like, Trump’s trolls and Brownshirts unleashed a torrent of the ugliest unit-Semitism I’ve seen from Americans.

Someone pointed out on another thread that if Michelle Obama had insisted on living in a gold tower separate from the white house, requiring her own security detail, there would have been people screaming for her head.

Well, we do know that salads are only for women, so if you make your boychild eat salad, you WILL turn him gay in a New York minute. It’s just science!

Scissoring/power bottoming takes peak physical condition. We’re on to your gay agenda-ing games, Librus!

Bingo. I see no substance, and I also don’t see style. I see someone soulless and plain who’s putting on the required expensive clothing and thinking it gives her the veneer of acceptable attractiveness, and also thinking it gives her class by osmosis.

I explained this to a FB acquaintance who I thought was projecting her own relationship issues onto Melania and I got a huge lecture that I have no idea what it’s like to be in an abusive situation, red flags, blah, blah, blah. Funny thing is a couple years ago I was going through emotional abuse but she was so

Can you imagine if we were two weeks into an Obama administration and Michelle didn’t want to live in the White House? Ungrateful & unpatriotic are two of the kinder terms that I would imagine the conservative media elite would have tossed her way.

“Gold digging” is only a “con” if someone is being deceived about the nature of the relationship. I don’t think old-ass Donald Trump had any delusions that Melanie was with him primarily because of his striking good looks and charming personality. The only people being conned here are the American people.

Possibly even more so considering she definitely started life at a much lower tier than anyone in the trump family. She clawed a lot of eyeballs to get where she is.

Promoting healthy lifestyles = promoting gay “lifestyle”

Physical fitness is a liberal conspiracy.

She’s no victim. She spouted the same birther bullshit as he did. She seems to be just as greedy as he is and I wouldn’t be surprised if she were as racist as he is.

To me what isn’t repellent about her is straight boring; there isn’t any there there, to borrow an overused phrase.