
I think there’s also something to be said for the fact that the Real Housewives and Paris Hilton’s popularity both pre-date KUWTK. Did they provide the exact right (wrong?) product at the exact right (wrong?) time? Sure. But Reality TV personalities as celebrities and news makers didn’t start with them - they just

Not to lots of people. For instance, I know not one Black person who says “cock.” That doesn’t even sound right to me, lol.

My sis and I were talking about moments in porn that made us laugh, and she said she was watching an interracial porn where the white woman said something to the effect of, ‘give me that black cock!’ to which the dude replied, ‘IT’S A DICK. We don’t say cock!’

Also associate cock with toddlers saying “I just did cocky in my diaper”... so no cock for me.

I think Trump is the logical conclusion to this obsession with Reality TV. We have allowed our lives to be made into reality tv; from dating competitions, weddings, divorce court, plastic surgery makeovers, botched plastic surgery un-make-overs, weight loss competitions, etc. Virtually every aspect of our real lives

BRB, I gotta cross-stitch this into a sampler.

People can blame the Kardashians all they like if it makes them fell better about consuming the product the Kardashians put out there. They wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the American public.

Hey now, the fact that he’s on wife 3 or 4 just shows that he is excellent at dating.

I really dislike Chelsea Handler - I personally find her unfunny and incredibly unpleasant - but I do somewhat agree with her on this.

Steve Harvey’s apology was as vague and out of touch as his fashion sense.

I was driving along my morning commute and flipping through stations when Steve Harvey’s morning show came on. I caught a snippet of him saying that he was going to “keep fighting the good fight” and it took everything in me not to bash the console with my coffee tumbler. I’m not sure if he was referring to the Asian

All cocks are dicks, but not all dicks are cocks.

Or just dumb. I’m going with dumb. I mean, why post a photo of what you want to say on Twitter when you could just...I dunno. write it?

Just you. “Cock” always seemed weird to me. “Cock” seems strictly porn-y whereas “dick” is like an everyman name for it. And me and my friends never called each other a cockhead.

“Man, if I had a suit jacket button for every time I fucked up over the past few years...”

I hear you but she has been in 9 rehabs most addicts would do antything to have the opportunites to get clean that she has. And these were plush 3,000 a nite facilites, with private counselors. Oprah gave her 2 million to get clean. It’s a bit much.

As a fellow old, my first thought was that I’d never be able to get back up out of a squat like that without help.

Because half of my family is Muslim and so I personally observed that Muslim men living in the West are pretty eager to bend the rules while looking down on Muslim women who (more rarely) also participate in “forbidden” activities.

I mean, would it matter to anyone if she did convert? She’s her own person, someone who has exhibited traits of mental illness, and is probably looking for an answer to this crazy life.

I know Lohan is pretty good buddies with members of two Malaysian royal families. I think they encouraged her to study the Quran and Islam.