He's a pig. I've never actually seen an issue of his comic for myself, but I've seen quite a few panels that suggest the entire world or universe he is from is comprised of talking animals.
He's a pig. I've never actually seen an issue of his comic for myself, but I've seen quite a few panels that suggest the entire world or universe he is from is comprised of talking animals.
I am so freaking hyped for this game! October cannot get here quickly enough.
Rogue looks awesome! I'll probably give that its day in court when we get this patch.
Somebody call Godzilla!
I'm not sure I agree. She quite clearly starts the turn into a standard dropkick and falls short. I've always thought a missile toe dropkick was more of back-parallel-to-the-mat type of move, akin to what Daniel Bryan does when he comes off the top rope.
Agreed. That has to be one one the most unpleasant landings to a standard dropkick I've seen. Can't speak to her overall wrestling skill, but I'm surprised she hasn't hurt herself doing dropkicks like this.
Actually managed to get multiple chapters done for the story I'm writing. Went to see Godzilla again. Been playing through the Mass Effect trilogy again.
Same movie, but for me the scene that freaked me out was where Gozer comes through Dana's door, with the lights surrounding the door. Where most kids needed a hall light left on, I demanded all lights outside my door be shut off after this movie. Light coming through the cracks in my bedroom doorway meant instant…
Just finished up the latest season of Supernatural. Pondering starting Arrow, since I haven't caught any of it yet. Otherwise, continuing watching through all the original seasons of Star Trek, since I only recently decided to give it a chance.
This, pretty much. I hang in some pretty geeky circles, and I didn't even hear about Pacific Rim until after I found io9 and heard the raving here. And even at first, I thought it was the name of a war movie. With Godzilla, even non-geeks I know were talking about that first trailer. It was almost impossible to not…
I do too, but this was still the first thought in my min upon reading your comment:
Thank you. Said it before I got the chance.
That's nine out of ten Godzilla movies, though. The latest, Final Wars, had less screen time for the big G than this new one did. He doesn't even show up until halfway through the movie in vs Giga.
PS4 ownership has been pretty good for me.
Not sure how you can be too old at 30. I'm 32, DBZ was a staple of my teen television-viewing habits.
There should be a little arrow in the top right when you hover your mouse over the post. Click that, and you should be able to delete your post.
Even newer PS3s will play PS1 games. It's PS2 games they aren't backwards compatible with anymore.
That picture looks like the love child of Godzilla and King Kong. Guess we now know what happened when Godzilla disappeared under the ocean's surface in King Kong vs Godzilla.
My stepson is one the spectrum as well, and I've been trying to find ways for us to bond. You may have just given me something to try.