
I’ve heard good things about a Star Wars character called “Jar-Jar Binks.” They should really put him front-and-center with their merchandising.

what is it with these angry men of color, when will Men of Color stop raging?

Liberals are prudes now too. They’ll criticize school dress codes on Jezebel then pop over to Kotaku and complain that video game characters have a poor skin pixel to clothes pixel ratio. The whole thing is crazy.

Touché. That's equally as obnoxious. I do think some aspects of adult entertainment are kinda shitty (particularly how women are treated in gamer culture) but banning it is going too far. There's nothing wrong with criticism movies, books, and games are all art & thus open to criticism but bans and attempts to get

While I agree that generally these people are conservative, I work with kids in a super liberal city and in younger ages especially plenty of the hip patents are incredibly helicopterish and super concerned about their child’s fragile feelings in oddly similar ways.