
This is the weirdest definition of censorship I have ever heard. That would be because it’s an incorrect definition of censorship.

I’ve found it amusing as well. The wacko ideologues on the left and right are like an old married couple who always fight but deep down know couldn’t live without each other.

Am I bad person if I don’t think she’s a great director?

“The Obama method”

Thanks for the laughs. Back to your cats and vodka, you old fat hag.

Yep. I’m sure you’re super busy talkin’ inane shit on Jezebel

You take that back!

Good PR. Abrams make himself a target to a small but very passionate group of people when he called SW a “boy’s thing” so he rebounds by telling an interviewer of a woman he thinks could direct SW. He also wisely chose a black women as he knows that gives him extra points.

Don’t take comment boards so seriously. You’re not solving the world’s injustices by yelling at someone on jezebel.

Meh. It would be obvious to anyone who paid attention. You should be able to look at Vietnam or Cambodia or numerous other foreign adventures and be able to conclude how fucking god damn fucked up the United States is. But I suppose most Americans don’t pay attention to stuff like that.

At first people at Gawker were super jazzed when they thought the attackers were “three white men”. Then it turned out to be a couple brown people. In an attempt to salvage the politicization of a tragedy, the narrative quickly changed to that of an evil man who had brainwashed a poor innocent women into committing a

Mass murderers are irrational. Whodathunkit.

Entitlement. Toxic men of color masculinity. Every man of color has it. I’m scared of men of color.

There’s a real crisis in this country with toxic brown male masculinity. So entitled.

That would explain tumblr and gawker.

You realize you’re on Jezebel, right? There’s plenty of outrage here as well.

Wasn’t that obvious before Trump?

Since when were all white men conservative? Do you know what people call taking the worst aspects of some parts of a demographic and applying those characteristics to the entire demographic is?

The outrage is hilarious. The second funniest part is how quick people are to go nuclear and call you a bigot etc. if you disagree with them in even the smallest way. Messing with hard ideologues is fun. Fox News is the same way.

Justification to ogle and harass women? What in god’s name are you talking about? You’re just being stupid now. Turn down the outrage from 11.