
Huh? I’m not calling for these to be censored.

True. But I see a lot of “progressives” trying to censor adult entertainment. There are those with an authoritarian anti-free speech mindset on both sides of the political spectrum.

I don’t know about that. You see a lot of prudeness, close-mindedness, and fear when certain progressives talk about video games, for example.

I didn’t see any great responses. He called me a racist then he refused to accept that Aboriginal men were murdered more than women and once he finally accepted that statistic he continued to speculate (despite not taking the time to look at any of the available statistics) that for some reason he couldn’t explain,

I would point out the hypocrisy of this article but is there even any point after Jezebel posted pictures of a rape the other day?

Execute this family by guillotine.

He has branched into human rights. “Humans” include both men and women, in case you were unaware.

Because I’m not going to prepare a report for you on the statistics when you should know the statistics before taking such a strong position.

I’m disappointed. I thought you would look at the statistics and come up with some reason why the focus should still be exclusively on women. Instead you are embarrassing yourself by ignoring the data.

You won’t accept that simple fact that 71% of Aboriginal homicide victims are men because of your ideological blinders. It’s really quite sad and explains why some people are skeptical when some feminists claim they care equally about men as they do about women

Meh. You’re the one taking this personally and projecting. I’m sorry your deeply held ideology isn’t holding up to the actual facts in this case.

It says men account for 71% of Aboriginal homicides in Canada. How is that not clear?

You can track down the original statscan data if you wish. Or you can continue to assume this professor (who has been quoted in various news sources) is part of some evil conspiracy to minimize the murders of Aboriginal women by inflating the murders of Aboriginal men, all while calling for an inquiry that looks into

I don’t think that is true. Aboriginal men account for 71% of Aboriginal homicide victims in Canada. Unless the population of Aboriginal women is way higher than that of Aboriginal men (which I don’t believe is the case) then Aboriginal men are at a higher risk of violence than Aboriginal women.

Scapegoats are popular in times of economic turmoil. When the populace sees no hope with the current system it is easy for a demoagogue like Trump to come in and play to people’s base instincts and fear. People are disenfranchised from the political establishment because of their corruption and graft and therefore we

Yeah. I thought it was clear to most people here that drug abuse is a symptom of other problems. Unfortunately at least one person has already jumped down my throat and interpreted my statement of fact as me saying “those damn lazy drunk indians have no one to blame but themselves for their problems”.

The fact that you won’t even consider the possibility that Aboriginal men have been ignored and assume the comparative genocide scholar is some kind of crazed MRA at least makes it clear you are wearing thick ideological blinders and shouldn’t be taken seriously. Good day.

The stats are clear. You can speculate all you want but real facts are a better basis upon which to have a serious discussion.

Why are you so desperate to paint me as a racist?