
I wonder. Do I have to use proper forehead-stabilizing technique for this to work? Or, can I just hold it with my hands?

The law of sines would work, but you'd probably just want to do:

Ah, "the team did it. Together." That is a sweet sentiment. *blinky eyes*

Pet peeve right here: Don't tell me what "we" did. When talking about past projects you've worked on, yes it's important that you worked within a team of engineers, but I don't want to know what the team did. I want to know, very specifically, what YOU accomplished. What were your challenges, and what pieces did

If a retailer sells an item, charging money and issuing a receipt, and then fails to actually ship the item that has been paid for and that they have in stock, this is not a "screw up." This is a conscious decision to renege on a contract. That's the business side of the situation. The personal side is a betrayal

Excellent article, showing true integrity. Best line: "And you know what? After this debacle, we should no longer trust Best Buy when it comes to Black Friday."

As a huge fan of both Fedora and Mint, I Totally agree. In fact, none of the Linux video editors even come close to Premier 6 (now over ten years old) or even Roxio's cheap, crappy VideoWave. This is one of two reasons I still have a Windows install.

Static IP. Clean as a whistle, yet I torrent quite a bit. But, I use only private trackers. I guess this means I'm safe... for now.

If your home wifi isn't as secure as you think it is, your neighbors could be torrenting... through you.

My friends and I all use the same CU, and we love to ability to freely transfer money between our accounts. We all go to lunch, one guy pays, and we all pay him back with an instant (really) transfer from our accounts into his — free, from our phones. And, of course, there's free automatic (or manual) electronic

The "Car Mode" app sucks juice like Sunny Delight through a straw. I kill that, and I see a dramatic improvement in battery life.

I began my engineering (computer) career in 2000. I've mostly worked for start-up companies, but have a little experience in large corporations and gov't as well. (One thing common to the trade is moving around a lot — layoffs happen, esp. in start-ups.)

I KNOW, right? My Android phone is so difficult to use. First, I have to touch the little icon at the bottom of the screen that looks like a telephone. Then, I have to dial the number. Then, get this... I have to lift the phone to my ear and listen for the person to answer before I can start talking. WTF? Then,

Whoa, somebody didn't get his nap + juice box today. This is what wins it for me:

Now that would really whip the llama's ass.

Android, of course

Censoring? Autocomplete is like putting words in my mouth or, when it's helpful, paving my road ahead of me. But, ceasing to do this isn't censoring. If they were actively blocking results, though, that would be almost censorship.

I'm not a complete anti-profanity nut — I've been known to drop a good motherf***** or two after stubbing my toe. But, "WTF?" Really? Maybe it's just me (and I fully acknowledge this as a possibility), but isn't lifehacker a little classier that this? I realize this is a gawker site, but I've always thought of LH

Motorola Cliq XT / T-Mobile