
@ghettoride81: I'd be interested to hear more about the different brands of ink and printers, and about what you mean by "fix"ing refills.

@yarden: Your point is well taken. Being angry, and being an "a-hole" are related, but not synonymous. Pet peeves conjure anger, and may even manifest the a-hole within. But, true a-holes are nonstop; continuously belligerent toward those around them. Creating one takes time — not the simple stubbing of one's toe,

@mipakr: There's Droid48 — an HP 48 emulator on Android. But, I guess that's only useful if you like the 48G/S and RPN. (Is my age showing?)

Yes, please save us, US Government! I don't know how, but... somehow innovation and openness are going to fail us, and we need you to step in and take control. I know you won't grab too much power or authority — you never do that. And, I know you'll be respectful of the free exchange of information that we

If you could have a single key that unlocked your house, your car, your safe and anything else you lock — just for the convenience of having only one key, would you do it? What if this were an electronic key, which also provided access to your bank accounts? And, what if a copy of this key were stored on a server,

@TheFu: "The FCC is usually made up of people that understand the technology better than a politician... I'd rather have the FCC trying to solve this than politicians from New York, Boston, Seattle, or even California."

I reset my password Sunday, because I just happened to read LH that night. This breach sucks for all of us, but it looks like Gawker didn't have any pre-planned coarse of action for such an event. It's good that an email was FINALLY sent out — not everyone visits these sites daily (esp. around the holiday season

Cool. Does this mean that you can stuff your shorties with printed emails to keep the TSA out of your business?

Placing restrictions on common tasks is basically treating people like children. The objective here is worthwhile, but I think the approach is all wrong. A better idea would be to make it WAY easier to print WAY less. Acrobat reader (and foxit, sumatra, etc.) should have a simple pull-down for number of pages per

PAL? (Scripting language guess (prodigy))

I love the smell of flux in the morning.

Here in Utah, there're no worries. We're all 3.2, except for our microbrews, which can be 4.0

@karmaghost: I tried Guinness for the first (and last) time about a year ago. I wouldn't call it smooth — I'd call it creamy. Except for the fact that it tasted like beer, it seemed like something you'd have for breakfast. It was like a beer milkshake. Yicky.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. What do people do when they have to regularly change their passwords?

@Bela Goblos: Hill AFB's museum in Clearfield, UT also has a Blackbird on display. Best of show, IMO.

"Flies in the Vaseline we are

...and that's why I think Vista will be a total DOWNgrade from XP.

I've never tried Pzizz, but I like Pez. Except instead of filling the dispenser with Pez, you fill it with Benadryl.