
Agreed, as long as you then install this.

...and, incidentally, why I'm not going to "convert" my LH account.

"You're paranoid as hell!"

Or, you could just openly admit that you're clueless, knowing that it's not a big deal that you don't know a noir from a crigio. So what? Who are you trying to impress, the wait staff?

Not only that, but most people (including Linus Torvalds) who hate it actually substantiate their opinion with logical, cogent arguments about why it sucks so bad. *Cough* it's the same with grub2.

Totally agree on Gnome 3. There is hope, however. Check out the Cinnamon project. For now, I switched to KDE Mint. It had been a long time since I had tried KDE and, except for the lame transparent window that doesn't do anything, me likey.

Fourth item: Paying for texting. SMS costs the carriers... well, nothing. Text messages use excess bandwidth that would otherwise go unused. In 2000 I got free, unlimited texting with my account at VoiceStream. Now, T-Mobile wants to charge something like $6/month for a limited pool of text messages. No.

"I'm bored with all of you kids who have a semester of philosophy under your belt and suddenly think you can argue."

Now playing

I hate to break it to you, but your iPhone 4s doesn't have Corning Gorilla Glass. It has inferior aluminosilicate glass from Lens Technology International. Check out this drop test to see what works, and what doesn't.

Wrongful incarceration is where you're going to go? Ha. Nice strawman argument. Patent trolling is rampant, and not the result of judicial malfeasance. There are entire firms whose sole reason for existence is to frame patents around the creativity of legitimate engineering companies. They work, because IP law is

Actually, yes. There is/was an understanding that books could be sold back to the bookstore (at my University) after the semester. But, that was not the objective. The purpose of buying the book was to use it throughout the entire three-semester series (in this case, Physics). The publisher and, in turn, the

"Modern innovation couldn't exist without IP laws."

"I teach as an adjunct at a university"

Ironic then, isn't it, that the very benefactors of these laws that "promote innovation" are the ones who serve to inhibit and stifle innovation. See the RIAA's lawsuit against Diamond for reference. Had they won, the iPod (and many other digital media players) may never have come about.

"I rarely - rarely - pirate..."

Irregardless of how it happened, I could care less. Sounds like some body should of went to school and learn to talk good english more better. Duh.

Combine all this with the AndroidVNC app, and you've got a thin client that you can use to connect to your real workstation at home. Veddy niice!

There are other solutions for remote support if you don't want to involve a third party.

Agreed. Especially with phones featuring Gorilla Glass, they're totally unnecessary. Also, the real price you pay is in reduced capacitive touch accuracy and crappy image quality.

I, ah... am not sure... that, um, this story's... ah... that this story has, uhhhh