
I do find it telling that the episodes we all universally love in season 2 (particularly the Native American one) are the ones that completely ignored the broader narrative of the season. I would now have absolutely have no issue if we got a season that was literally just one-off stories set in different Delos parks

Hell, The Last Jedi was one of the best things to happen to this series in decades and people are still arguing about how it was actually bad.

You know, the one about the newspaper tycoon and he's dead and everbodies telling stories about him...

“I had watched Orson Welles’ ‘War Of The Worlds’ from 1938". But did you mate? Did you?

There’s no way that this was in his head from the beginning, I don’t buy it. I think it’s a combo of what you said - a cover for bringing him back - and another way for PE to get into the headlines for 15 minutes. Chuck is smart as hell, he knows a good move when he sees it. But I agree, this is pretty lame (also a

The latter. Richard Donner deserves just as much of the backhanded talk as Hooper, yet there was a clear smear campaign manufactured against an industry outsider as opposed to the veteran Donner. Spielberg actually directed a scene that exists in “The Goonies,” while there is no evidence of him directing any part

The Straight Story is great — I saw it on DVD a while ago and found it Lynchian while also heartwarming. Plus, that pun in the title — since it’s about Alvin Straight and is literally Lynch’s most straightforward film.

Not Marvel but I could see Lynch doing an Animal Man film.

Now playing

I like how an unproduced script now constitutes a “version” of a movie. All this version is missing is cinematography, music, sound effects, actors, pretty much the whole “audiovisual” element.

“It’s dumb that they just brought back Palps after not mentioning him in either of the previous movies. Like we’re supposed to believe that he was like just off-screen the entire time.

Euron was goddamned terrible. That is all.

Yeah... Emilia Clarke’s expression in the header pic was mine during the last season of Game of Thrones.

“it doesn’t remind me of Event Horizon” might be the best Kinja ever.

Booksmart is, literally, so great.

I will say, as someone who listened to WTF a lot in the early years and got turned off slowly by his mildly creepy approach to interviewing women, Maron has really matured fantastically into a great comedic elder statesman. I’m sure it’s both age, exposure to the hundreds of different viewpoints he’s been exposed to,

Remember how the through-line of Generation Kill was that in the first episode, they bought all the adult diapers from the PX in advance of their long convoy into Iraq? And that they kept bringing up how they had adult diapers so that they could take a whiz without stopping? In each episode? No? Man, that show would

Exactly. Same thing. I still remember people talking about Last Action Hero being the weirdest and most confusing thing ever. Which is odd, because it’s not confusing at all. Unless you were just totally unprepared to see a cartoon cat, I guess? Yeah, it’s so strange. And then there’s something like “Commando”, where

I don’t know that anyone would call Lawnmower Man (or Halloween 3) good

Hit em with the Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeein!

Not for us. Your two sentence post could've been an epic story to distract everyone from all the fast food articles today.