
It just didn't work for me, but it did for most. When the guy woke up to find his boat flooded and sinking, he barely makes a peep while anyone else I know would at least initially be like "aw shit". The absolute stoic silence felt more like a construct of the director and less and an extension of character.

I talk to myself frequently, it's why that Robert Redford movie in the sinking boat felt so weird to me, the guy isolated from humanity and facing death on the open sea never mutters to himself, sings a song to pass the time?

I'd like to see him apologize period, is there a video of Bill OReilly apologies? Do they exist? I'd be tickled red to see it

Agree with the sentiment, but 72 is too young for that type of joke, go 15 years older.

Conservatives vehemently defend the voice of even their most offensive lunatics until they seem like heroes of the silent majority for saying such vile crap.

Social Media claims another victim

As Bob Odenkirk was frequently my favorite thing about Breaking Bad, I have a feeling it will be pretty good

Does growing up an upper-middle class white kid in the suburbs mean you can't listen to music about experiences other than your own? In the early to mid 90's I listened to Rage Against the Machine, NWA, Notorious BIG and Gangster Rap, Nirvana, Radiohead, Beetles, Queen, Pink Floyd, Alanis Morrisette, Grateful Dead,

I know, so weird and trivial not to want to know the outcome of something before you experience it yourself.

I agree. spoiler Space links have helped me tremendously in the past and I don't know what's so wrong about that. Man it's really difficult to just write Spoiler Warning before any sensitive plot details?

Citizen Kane is one of the most famous movies of all time though. What about something more recent or less famous? What if the person in question is a young teen and hasn't had the opportunity yet to see a lot of different films, too bad for them?

Man, hopefully one day people will realize that some of us just like having a story unfold without any knowledge of what might come next.
spoiler warnings and criticism aren't incompatible.
Example: a few weeks ago another site posted a review on the 30 year old "Sleepaway Camp", the reviewer managed to write a

Probably stated elsewhere but I think the Fangoria joke was making fun of Lisa's humiliation by saying she looks so horrible that a magazine about horror movie effects would want a picture.

Todd, it truly won't be the same without you. Thanks for everything

I know, it's like half of these commentators have no clue who Neil Gaiman.

Because Gaiman has never been able to make something wholly original and creative out of a pre-existing concept.

It would probably be a game I would actually want to play.

Ghosts trying to kick family out of New England house is the basic plot of Beetlejuice, but knowing Gaiman he is going to do definitely make it his own and have an originally and creative take.

O no! I loved this mans music. I got Into him through 110th Street.

whoa I had no idea there was a second warp to level 8 after the beanstalk and ive been playing this game for 25 years.
I also found out today that, in Mega Man X, you can cut off the Flame Elephant's trunk using the Cut weapon.
mind blown twice so far today regarding old video game tricks lol