
I heard a rumor about a sequel already in the works for the proposed Batman movie

fargos last episode was all about how awesome guns are and how they totally make you feel safe, don't be afraid to take the law into your own hands because that's what "men" do

Molly was an amazing character and probably the one thing Fargo truly has over TD

I agree. I really liked the TD finale. The series, in general, is much stronger than Fargo. I think Fargo was a little all over the place and scatterbrained. TD knew exactly what it wanted to do and the story it wanted to tell, while Fargo sort of spun it wheels and wandererd around piling up a body count and

Fargo had Molly. But can you think of a single woman in TD that wasn't there to just to get fucked by one or both of the protagonists?

True Detective was a better show. Fargo was a lot of fun, but come on. I dont know how, by the end, anyone could say it was better than TD.

You should read some Punisher comics, you'd like him. He's all about ignoring due process and just killing fools without a trial or anything!

Yeah I definitely see your point, that's probably what the writers were going for. Personally I was a heck of a lot more invested and engaged in the Molly character and her persuit of Malvo, that triumph seemed to have been snatched from under her by Gus. But if you were a fan of the Gus character then I guess it

It doesn't fall apart. Malvo was sitting there nursing a completely destroyed and mangled leg, he wasnt armed (a knife was sitting on the table). Gus, without telling anyone, sat in this mans house for hours waiting for him to get home. He doesn't tell the authorities where he is or what he's doing, or where the

This was exactly my take on it too. I am glad I'm not alone lol, everyone has a different read of it but his is what I thought she meant when I watched it

I agree that Malvo is magic and can do anything, but let's face it the guy was unarmed and nursing a destroyed and bloody leg, not exactly self defense Gus…

Yeah I've been complaining about them in the comments since their first appearance being to much like R+G, I'm a fan of that play but they felt like something from another show and out of place in Fargo.

Rosencrantz and Guildensten are Dead. I think these two had to get knocked off at some point.

I thought it was that someone makes one mistake (dropping the glove), and then makes a second mistake (dropping second glove) rationalizing how it will solve the problem but actually only making things worse…

Maybe it'll get better in hindsight, but my reaction was disappointment that Molly didn't get her confrontation with Malvo (instead the honor of defeating the dragon went to a male character, but that's a whole other can of worms). The scene with Gus and Malvo fell very flat for me.
Overall this was a really fun

If they do a "Flash of Two Worlds" or "Crisis on Multiple Earths" style storyarc between the two versions, I will totally watch it. Even though I didn't like the original series at all.

The corner has turned on TGI Friday's Flair, and its now a nostalgia property. Bring back the Flair for a limited edition run.

I love Pez.

until you scroll down to the comments

Since a clone is a seperate autonomous person with their own thoughts and feelings , how is it NOT murder?