
It was a bad plan, how did Lester know the kid wouldn't notice it in his bag before school and bring it to his dad?

Team Lester? Seriously? Chaz May have a dumb name and be a gun nut, but by all accounts he's a decent husband and provider for his son. Not only is Lester a murderer (!) but he lied to a woman about her insurance in order to sleep with her, and planted a gun in a kids backpack completely destroying a family and

Ha! Good catch

Molly is the one strong female presence on the show and one of the best characters, killing her off would have been profoundly stupid. Good episode though, maybe a bit overboard with the massacre but it was a cool shot so I guess it gets a pass. Wondering what's going on with Oliver Platt and that couldn't have been

Not to mention his brother surely has an alibi as to where he was the night of the murder, I mean come on he was probably at home with his wife.

Not everyone is logged on the Internet every day consuming viral videos. Most of these things I see on great job internet are irritatingly awful, but I usually haven't seen them before.

Can u explain? Im curious now. Trying to think who this donut head guy is…

I thought GOTY stood for "Game of the Year". am I missing something?

I really dislike Oldboy but I guess I understand why people like it? Well not really, but it's a well made film.

wow, at least he admits to turning into a lazy hack who does the bare minimum. I mean, not that I blame him, he still makes lots of money making bad movies that present no challenge to him.

The show has been great. Much better than this review gives it credit for, this is more than just mediocre television.

Pretty sure Me. T killed him for eating his Cheetos at the party…

For me I can literally feel when its time to take a break. My attention span has waned, im skipping through or rushing through parts i probably wouldn't otherwise. My mind starts to linger on non game related things. Usually happens after a couple hours of gaming.
Just break and come back later, no need to race

Pretty much what you would expect from douchebag David Goyer

The Viper was better established and embellished in the books as being an intimidating fighter and poisoner, one who could believably take on the Mountain (who is a million times better serviced in the books)

I imagine Lady Stoneheart and Briannes hang out will be the closing moments of the season and all the noobs will collectively shit their pants.

What happens is that you realize the practice of pop culture deal makers breakers is bullshit

This whole place is gonna become Buzzfeed I have a feeling

Seriously?? What is this, come on

I loved this show too