
The Spidey scene you refer to was the Teaser Trailer.  It was screened prior to the events of 9/11 and I can very clearly remember seeing it in theaters (although, I don't remember the movie/s that it was screened before).  After 9/11 that Teaser was very quickly pulled.

me neither, i've been around this kid too and he is such a douche! 

Saw it in theaters yo.   I remember it being striking as the first movie I can recall acknowelding the post-9/11 world we were in.  At the time a lot of media was trying to do anything they could to prevent us from thinking at all about the events (like that was possible), but this movie put it center stage. 

look sufficiantly creepy, but there is something about Dourif’s voice that always undercuts the creepy factor for me.  I wonder where this falls in Childs Play continuity. 

Don't worry, this feature and this random comedian are by no means any kind of barameter on what is actually a good song or not. Don't let anyone try and make you feel silly for liking something.

wait, all of Breaking Bad only takes place within one year?

Sour Grapes by Larry David


a friend saw this movie and raved about it, I'm looking forward to watching it

that's all i could think about too

I can't think of a another movie, in recent memory, that has divided audiences as intensely as Man of Steel.  I very much dislike the movie, but for every take down of Man of Steel there are a thousand comments waiting under the article vehemently defending it.  I made a comment in the Spoiler Space in the review and

@pack. Yeah I think I'd agree with you there

The writing can be shit, but man it can be fun to watch

@avclub-27e87cc851baee4401e8eed1d89fa6ba:disqus Thanks - Killing Joke is probably my favorite comic and I've read it a thousand times, and I agree with you totally.  I guess I just tend to get defensive whenever someone suggests that the Joker is ment to have raped her during that scene, which he most definitely does

yeah noticed that immediatly after posting.  Newburn is still excellent as Superman though, especially this season's "angrier" Supes.   

um, just because teenage heroes like Robin might appear it means all the stories will suddenly devolve into learning the value of friendship?  Like every other superhero show? 
What were some of the other superhero shows, produced after B:TAS, that you refer to here?  X-Men, Spider-Man?  The New Adventures of Batman

There is NO sexual assault in The Killing Joke.

Just on the topic of Toyman.  I think the DCAU version of the character is the best one there is and would like to see him adapted into the comics.  I just like the look of the character and the creepy vibe he gives off. 
I am aware they tried to bring this version into the comics after Infinite Crisis, during the One

I did a serious binge watching of the first season of JLUnlimited over the weekend.  I own it and have seen it before, but after the rewatch of this episode I just couldn't resist. 
This was a terrific adaptation.  My only minor nitpick is Newburn's reading of "burn".  Although he is pitch perfect as the voice for

Love this movie, but I tend to skip over this scene.  It's very well done, but usually too much for me to stomach.