No thanks. I inhale my food and I can't change.
No thanks. I inhale my food and I can't change.
My bro in law's best friend used to celebrate late when the kids were really young. Totally works. I bet I will do that if I ever have kids.
Virgin Mobile has terrible coverage where I am. I would get voicemails and text messages days later. They always reprogrammed my phone but still.. crap for service. The price is wonderful though. Speeds aren't bad when there is service, and if there is wifi I have the internets.
I used Google Voice with Virgin Mobile but my coverage sucked.
Growing up I was always short and chunky (and couldn't seem to find short sizes at that time) so my pants always dragged. I was always sad once they started to rip. What really sucked is when someone stepped on the back of my pants and they would finally rip. Sigh. Thank god for skinny jeans and short sizes now!
they only made one pair to see who was crazy enough to buy them.
I am dying because I cant take off of work. So tired. So sad. I cry all of the time and just want sleep. I cannot wait for my mono to subside! (In month 2 now)
I still have mono. I break out in a nasty rash when I work out and I am so tired. Glands still a bit swollen, and I have had it a month and a half.
Still have no clue how I got it. The only guy I hooked up with never had it. Hope I am not still contageous.
OK I made up a fake identity to a dude I had a crush on in jr high. I gave her a name, age, town, and I even ripped a picture of some cute girl I knew hew ould like. He fell in love with her and actually talked trash about me once. Then I gave up and cried myself to sleep.... I'm still embarrassed I did that but…
My legs have gotten skinnier with losing weight, but I don't think I'll ever get a thigh gap. I could care less. However, my knees now touch.. which made me realize I'm bowlegged. *sigh*
If I am hungover and can move out of bed I need a Big Mac meal. I know it is disgusting, but it works every time. It might be TMI, but pooping does the job. Also, I thought things with ketchup are supposed to be very helpful?
Target has wine!!! God I hate living in NY.
I feel like I am more aware of how much I am drinking when I drink red wine. When I have a bottle of white, I feel like I have a glass and suddenly the bottle is gone.
I watched the first season in a few days. I never have nightmares and things dont really scare me, but oh my god the nightmares this show gave me!!! So worth it
Age: right after my 18th birthday. I wanted to get it over with.
Was she enjoying the sex in the movie? Pool sex sucks, anyway.
I love my cats. One is indoor/outdoor (stays on proprrty) and loves to bring dead things to the door. Between a ton of cute rabbits and something completely unidentifable, I think he is showing his love for me. He also jumps on me and drools everywhere for an hour before bed.
my newbie cat wants my old cat to love him…
Brb while I go find a bubble to live in.
Last night I was having a discussion with a friend about irrational fears and I couldn't think of anything. Well, now I'm terrified if brain eating amoebas. What else should I add to the list?
I am thinking this right now after sitting here all day crying about how I am the only lonely single person out of my friends. Oh, and the only one who isn't engaged. I feel like I will be the forever single friend everyone ends up pitying. I already feel like my stories are embarrassing and my dating life is just…