
I’m not sure why Ghostbusters II gets all the flack that it does. Is it as fresh and clever and awesome as the first one? No - but then any movie coming after cinematic perfection like that is going to have a hard time. No, it’s a perfectly serviceable flick that’s funny, got great chemistry amongst the cast, good

Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!

Did anybody call you a sexist pig yet? They didn’t? I will take it from here:

This kind of content is why everything is shit. The “peter principle” is not scientific. It’s a great way for line workers to insult their bosses but nothing to base policy on. Anyone who has actually been involved in hiring/firing/promotion decisions can make it clear why it doesn’t make sense — when you

The entire show a Rickon roll? I might give up now.

Whoever submitted “Politically Correct Elementary School #1" is an idiot. Everyone knows that a true Politically Correct School would never be #1 because all schools are just as good as they are.

“Robert E. Lee” came in second.

Say what you will about Adolf Hitler but he did kill Hitler.

Is that because the kids go to concentration camps?

How about the “Reek and Sansa jumped off a castle and are now running” hole? No mention of, one, how they survived, or two, how they weren’t just captured immediately?

Lord Commander Dolorous Edd. He always thinks things are about to get worse. That’s the guy to have commanding the Watch when the Walkers are coming.

As soon as he started circling i shouted “WHY ARE YOU CIRCLING TOWARDS THE PERSON WITH THE SPEAR DON’T TURN YOUR BACK TO — never mind. Told you.”

I also liked the “bring me some mutton” line, which was funny and dry in a very Davos way. Davos hardly ever gets the big spectacle moments but he is one of my VERY favorite characters. Everything about him is just GREAT. He is a good person and he is funny and smart and cool in a crisis.

Davos has seen her create those shadow assassin things before...but I don’t think he’s seen her bring anyone back from the dead. I mean...we all know it’s gonna play out that way. But I don’t think Davos is aware of that option yet.

That kid was an idiot and I knew he was dead the second he started to move between them. Anyone trained in combat (which these people supposedly are from a young age) would never put themselves between two enemies regardless of any agreement they might have.

So Sansa and Theon are cornered by a small band of armed men and a pack of hounds licking their chops to feast on their flesh.

No one has mentioned the serious lack of Hodors

Trystane was on the boat with his fiance, so he’s known for a while that his fiance was murdered by his family... since he was, you know, there. And he must have heard that his dad was killed, too. Then the Sand Snakes teleport up to Kings Landing and kill him, and he ‘doesnt want to hurt them’? And he’s not under any

Neither; Melisandre will resurrect him. If he was going to warg he’d be in Ghost already, and there’s no sign of that.

Haven’t watched it. Anyone who wants to spoil whether Jon Snow is alive can post here.

I predict the episode begins with Jon Snow springing to his feet, fully alive and fully naked.

This is followed by 49 minute musical number in which Jon Snow’s penis is in every shot. There’s a 13 minute sequence where Jason Mamoa