
Probably, but better a second season than a reboot. Hollywood, amirite?

“The theory is that [they] have played Wisconsin unfairly.”

“They claim to be worried about privacy and Republican state Senator Kim Thatcher says the bill can somehow put victims of sexual assault and stalking at risk, though it’s unclear how.”

“Clinton 2016: More Realistic” Isn’t a terribly inspiring slogan.

She’s has used it as a dodge on a couple questions like when she said that she couldn’t possibly be the establishment candidate because she’s a woman.

Yes, this email Stassa got weeks ago, before Killer Mike’s intro, was a tactic by the Bernie campaign. Did you know that he secretly uses socialist mind control to send random internet weirdos out to do his bidding? It’s true.

I think the disappointment on the left with Obama has less to do with concrete accomplishments and more to do with not being willing to fight for big ideas (win or lose).

I think that 2.2% number is the proposed income tax increase for single payer health care. The payroll tax that would cover paid family leave is much, much smaller.

Not sure it qualifies as “old man game” since this is about when he played in the 70s. We was in his 30s at the time.

This must be what schizophrenia is like. +1. Would read again!

One could argue he’s helping the party by NOT running as independent, as he would certainly be able to draw votes away from the Democrat in the general election if decided to go that route.

Is this your first day on the internet? There is a bro here for everything one can have an opinion on, including all the other candidates. There is nothing special or different about the ones that support Bernie.

This argument is getting so old. No one - not your Berniest of BernieBros -believes that he’s going to wave a magic wand and bypass congress to give us medicare for all. What they do seem to believe is that he will actually have that fight and air that argument, hopefully with a groundswell of popular support to put

Unless I’m very much mistaken, the Republicans (surprisingly) do not have this superdelegate system.

That is a really dispiriting prediction, but a top notch username.

I’d only seen the top one of the two links you provided. And I maintain that the first is absolutely driven by her weird move to play air-lute instead of guitar. People would have laughed endlessly at anybody doing that. Again, I thought it was kind of amusingly adorable, if mind-boggling in its weirdness. Just as I

I think the line that’s being walked here has more to do with whether the candidate is trying to be adorable by eating ice cream or whatever, or whether the hosts of a show are forcing it on them.

That is actually an outstanding ridiculous question.

It doesn’t discount your thesis here, but how do you leave Tommy (Chris Thomas King) off the cast for O Brother Where Art Thou? The Soggy Bottom Boys would have been nothing without him!

Yeah. Then once you’ve come up with those pages, they just draw themselves right?