Thank you! I was almost to the bottom of the comment scroll before anyone even mentioned this. I don’t know how anyone can read the source story and think that this has anything to do with dolphins’ eyes.
Thank you! I was almost to the bottom of the comment scroll before anyone even mentioned this. I don’t know how anyone can read the source story and think that this has anything to do with dolphins’ eyes.
There’s an ending?
His website, like his campaign, has been sucked into a petulant, orange gravity well.
Because I’m sure there were a ton of Japanese restaurants in the neighborhood when young Erick Erickson was growing up.
The people in the U.S. who oppose renewable energy are not doing so out of some notion that it’s burdensome for developing countries. They don’t want to do it here, in a developed country.
I’ve always said the same thing about Universal Health Care - if you’re not in the insurance industry, providing, purchasing and managing your employees health care is a burden you should happily want to hand off to someone else.
Sure. But they can always rake in the money now and hit the deathbed repentance later on.
But starting us down the path toward a technologically cleaner future, will eventually give way to synthetic blow and robot hookers.
Are you kidding? While China, for instance, is starting from a worse place (pollution-wise), they’re making a hard push toward renewables:…
True enough. And depressing. I understand where myopic self-interest gets in the way, but it boggles my mind, when I see people who are none of those things rail against solutions - like those coal-rolling assholes in Texas.
Perhaps. But government should, as a rule, try to push us toward the good and away from the bad. That they often fail to do this on so many other tings is no reason not to try for this one. Government should take the long view since people, individually, are more focused on the immediate.
Even if climate change wasn’t a thing at all, how can you see cleaner energy as a bad thing?
It has to do with believing women who come forward in situations like that. Hillary’s support of Bill implicitly suggests she either didn’t believe THOSE women or didn’t care. No one is accusing her of being Bill - just of not believing a particular set of accusers.
I’m just pissed that you can’t loot the mannequins. Early on, I wanted one of those Revolutionary War uniforms - they were everywhere, and I couldn’t pluck a single one from its mannequin.
Sorry, but Ted Cruz’s pitch to the Jewish Coalition was “I’ll woo Christians?”
If only assholes like these confined themselves to petty jerk-off sessions, Planned Parenthood’s job would be easier.
But you could loan money to the person who invented it at a reasonable rate. Amirite, bubbi?
That is amazing!
How drunk were you during the playground incidents because... what the actual hell?
Be fair - most of them believe in the invisible man in the sky, but THEY have a different name for him. So, really, you shouldn’t buy from them.