
Even if climate change wasn’t a thing at all, how can you see cleaner energy as a bad thing?

It has to do with believing women who come forward in situations like that. Hillary’s support of Bill implicitly suggests she either didn’t believe THOSE women or didn’t care. No one is accusing her of being Bill - just of not believing a particular set of accusers.

I’m just pissed that you can’t loot the mannequins. Early on, I wanted one of those Revolutionary War uniforms - they were everywhere, and I couldn’t pluck a single one from its mannequin.

Sorry, but Ted Cruz’s pitch to the Jewish Coalition was “I’ll woo Christians?”

If only assholes like these confined themselves to petty jerk-off sessions, Planned Parenthood’s job would be easier.

But you could loan money to the person who invented it at a reasonable rate. Amirite, bubbi?

That is amazing!

How drunk were you during the playground incidents because... what the actual hell?

Be fair - most of them believe in the invisible man in the sky, but THEY have a different name for him. So, really, you shouldn’t buy from them.

You want Bernie to rein in anonymous internet commenters? How, precisely, is any candidate supposed to do that?

Tone-deaf racism - this stuff white’s itself.

“Proof: Bernie Sanders spent a little over an hour Thursday making a speech about Democratic socialism, and here we are, actually talking about it.”

To say nothing of just how giddy she gets when you present her with her own Witcher sword.

And yet, a few years ago, South Carolina wouldn’t let Stephen Colbert file to get on the ballot.

While in workshop mode, you have to assign a settler to “supply line” by looking at them and pressing R1 (on PS4, anyway). Then a pop-up will appear asking which settlement you want them to run supplies for.

Until you set up supply lines between settlements, you have to go back and get them.

It would be great if that location had a laugh track ready in case you fell over or something.

That’s good. Those hurt less.

Wouldn’t recommend it. In the first case, because violence solves nothing. And, in the second case, because you would get your ass handed to you.

“I see this on the right and the left.”