
Not even Daniel Baldwin - the most mountainy of Baldwins?

Bush as in H. W. Bush? Not only do I doubt he had a private server - I very much doubt he even knew what an email was while in office.

There was some yelling about the Bush admin’s email deletion, etc. as they left office. Then Obama rolled in and gave a nice little speech about “looking forward and not back.” that was the end of that. Since the right side of the aisle has no such compunction, we’re hearing about this. Simply saying “yeah, well what

“I can make a bad movie from a good script, but I can’t make a good movie from a bad script.” - George Clooney

Ok. That makes more sense. That really is one of the shittiest aspects of Hollywood - the risk averse nature is so deeply set that even with successes to point to, it’s not enough to shift the perception that only certain types of movies can succeed.

In the discussion on the facebook page where this all started, someone mentions that the first round readers last year were 55% female. I’ll grant you that this doesn’t preclude subconscious bias across both gendered readers or a change in that demographic for this year, but what you’re suggesting is conscious bias in

In last year’s competition, 3 of the 5 winners were women.

There was a modicum of intelligence in The Hangover - the smartest thing it did was exclude flashbacks entirely and use the structure of a mystery to propel the comedy. That said, the sequels were ass.

You’re making easily as many assumptions here as the reader.

A read of the submission guidelines for the fellowship indicates that scripts ARE reviewed blind - no author names are to be included on the screenplays.

I remember so little of what actually happens in it, but as soon as I saw the pic I was like “The Journey of Nattie Gan!” (sp?)

I don’t think “PR offensive” has ever been more apt a term.

Given that this “we have to explicitly call it a war with radical Islam” refrain keeps getting uttered by the GOP candidates, I’d love to see a debate question asking them whether they are seriously saying they want congress to declare a holy war.

I can’t believe that’s not a euphemism.

No. JLH moved on from that ghost show. Now she cares about what I stiff people say.

If Sanders manages to get the nomination and, by election day, most Americans STILL don’t know much about him... well then, shit... I give up.

Isn’t Deez Nuts running as an independent?

Agreed. If all you want to do is listen to the candidate, you can go to a stump speech. If you want to engage with them, you should be prepared for a two way discussion.

“...because she had to or she would’ve looked like Bernie Sanders in Seattle, Washington; an old Democrat who talks a good game but displays that, when protestors of color come, she hasn’t much to say.”

You do realize that once they stopped using these characters together, Kalinda’s storylines were then used to propel the arcs of male characters instead, right?