
I hope she kicks cancer’s ass!


Social media has people thinking that their every move is FUCKING FASCINATING. I follow a bunch of food/recipe accounts because, well, I like food. Two of these women became pregnant and recently gave birth. The food accounts were suddenly taken over by eleventy billion “bump” photos and LONG ASS screeds detailing

Why are all the Canadian musicians getting Lyme disease? First it was Averil, then Justin, and now Shania. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but... was Lyme disease invented by a jealous American music industry that couldn’t handle the success of its northern neighbors? That would explain Yolanda Hadid as well, David Foster

My Daughter: Yeah, one of the girl’s father is living with us now.

Nothing could be done? HE WAS LIVING IN A DORM ROOM. 

You inspire me every week, so I am happy to introduce to you Domino. She was adopted from a cat rescue via a foster family this past Monday. She is 4 months old. 2 YO Minerva is guarded, but learning to tolerate her. Domino is feisty and holding her own.

What a good chook! I have a smaller Barnevelder who isolates herself quite a bit to avoid pecks and it breaks my heart; I wish one of the tough chickens would take her up! Nugget sounds golden <3

My heart! So many beautiful kitty faces and moods 💖😻🐱 Remi is gorgeous, Savannah is giving me honey badger, so glad Claudia and Guthrie have new homes. Thank you so much for posting each week. It's one of my favorite things about SNS.

Kitties!!!!! Smooch all of them for me!

You guys, I’ve had my offer accepted on the flat!

Your house must smell so good! Also that looks lovely!

Random Chicken post: My chicken, Nugget, has had such an eventful year! She spent most of spring broody (which means she really wanted to be a momma and sat on unfertilized eggs for weeks) and then this fall she was attacked very badly by a fox. She fought him off and saved her flock and lost all of her beautiful

Kittens! Also, deaf cats rule!!

It’s Citrus Season! Also, it’s so goddamn cold and snowing! Orange pound cake it is! This cake is so good! Like a creamsicle in cake form. If I make it again, I would just grease the pan and not dust sugar on it. It go a little dark in places. The citric acid mixed with the sugar for the topping was so good too, such

Shelter Cat Update!

Suddenly, people begin asking: How did anyone ever think that was OK?

They also might be the only plastic surgeons in America who will say to a patient, on camera, “I won’t do this unnecessary procedure you’re asking for and here’s why.”

I have nothing to add here except that when I dyed my hair red last year, someone told me it reminded them of Adele, and it was probably the most flattered I've been in my whole damn life.

It’s not the lighting. She’s wearing a black dress while laying on a white bed. The bed isn’t keying much darker than it is, nor is the dress keying lighter. This is quite clearly an instance in which she was either made up to look much darker than she is in real life. Or it was done to her image after the fact.