
Yes, you can get pregnant with an IUD (because no contraceptive is 100% secure), but I call BS on the rest of the story. For the baby to be born holding an IUD, that IUD would have had to be inside the amniotic sack.

Twitch love to market themselves as inclusive to everyone but any lack of measures on their part coupled with the unwillingness of the majority will put off anyone vulnerable from coming. You can take all the shots and masks to protect yourself, but there’s still a risk and that risk can only be mitigated by others

“I just wasn’t reaping the publicity benefits of continuing this PR creation any longer” said at least one party in the arrangement

If people are so desperate to date/hook up/whatever again, how come dating apps are more toxic environments now than they’ve ever been? Like, seriously, the levels of toxicity on there go beyond social awkwardness or people perhaps having forgotten about good manners.

And check yourselves because I am sure the most vulnerable populations will be prevented from optional mask wearing as soon as companies can make essential workers show their faces and white people decide black people in masks are too suspicious.

And here we are, years later, in a seemingly different world with influencer/celebrity endorsed crypto currencies, NFT sales and SPACs, and I can’t help but worry that at least a few of those are going to turn out to be questionable schemes if not outright scams, ready to do some serious damage.

There’s a major difference between getting a job (or two) and getting a job title (or two). 

OK, it’s not been wiped from history, nor did my memory deceive me: There were two cases: Elizabeth Burgess in 2001 and Elaine Day in 2004. Day’s case did expose how Charles essentially hated that people not born into privilege were having aspirations and getting educations to attempt upward mobility in life — how

Here and now may be a good time to ask the following question: Wasn’t there a black or mixed race woman years ago who worked for the royal family and then sued them or took them to an employment tribunal, which then led to the exposure of a handwritten letter by Charles referring to “this woman” and her being “too

Whether you or I would drive around in a particularly noticeable car or do other things to display our wealth if we had any... that’s up to us. But calling out people for it... I don’t know, wouldn’t we be skirting too close to “they’re asking for it” territory? I’m not sure I feel comfortable with that anymore.


Can we just stop doing this thing that whenever a (however moderately or greatly) famous man is seen in the company of a (possibly equally moderately or greatly) famous woman, we start speculating if they’re “a thing”.

If a con artist’s victims get paid out of the proceeds of a business deal (book/film/TV/whatever), then, in a sense, the con artist may not be profiting but they sure as hell are benefiting... no?

Can confirm. As a kid I could tell exactly when my mother had been on the phone to her family, because then the dialect from her birth region would creep back in... Also, I’ve lived in a different country from my birth country for nearly twenty years now and I honestly have no awareness of any accent I may have while

I don’t know about you but I think I needed to hear this.

Because the biggest earners on the platform aren’t necessarily the best YouTubers. They’re just the ones garnering the most appeal with brands, not necessarily the ones with the broadest public appeal.

Ugh. We’ve been here already with yesteryear’s child stars from the movie industry, none of whom appeared to survive unscathed (if at all) and I’m feeling worried and depressed already for all the YouTube kids who could become a next generation of f***ed up adults. No amount of money is worth that. Absolutely none.

But it’s not any different than any other institution where there are power dynamics, if it’s law enforcement or IDK... making movies?

I’m curious now... “Options in the pipeline ... but nothing intense or formal” in normal-people speak equals repeatedly installing, uninstalling and reinstalling Tinder...

You cannot manufacture happiness, and yet that’s all this show does.

We could solve a lot of problems if we did away with the label ‘influencers’ and just called them what they are: attention-seekers.