
Someone needs to tell Olivia Jade that Influencers have been cancelled.

Do you think he was in the middle of this letter when he tweeted to Greta Thunberg to attend anger management, and to chill out?

Seriously. They’d outright label it The Menstrual Letter--Not Enough Space After The Period.

Seriously?! The letter is insane, how could anyone describe it otherwise?!

Ah, I gave up reading it before Space Force! Rats, but I’m still not going back in.

Six pages. Six fucking pages. Like a break-up letter you wrote on notebook paper to your high school boyfriend. Jeebus H. Khrist.

“Children separated from their parents and put in cages? Nah, that doesn’t sound like anything that would apply to our Christian desire to protect children and family values.”

I don’t know a lot about kpop groups, but I feel like I just read an article talking about property.

Which is a bit gross. And every article seem to always have mention of a managing company, the language is always more akin to property management than talent management... Can’t they just like, renegociate contracts,

“Across our brand, we will continue to look for ways to be more inclusive and celebrate our differences.” Unless we receive the slightest amount of criticism. Then we will panic and forget being inclusive until we get slapped back to reality.

As a matter of fact, while in the US they are known as 1 Million Moms, in Europe that converts to 1,000 Kilo-Karens

Is USC particularly prestigious and/or difficult to get into? So much so that these folks are paying that much money?
Genuinely asking because I have no clue. This may also be because I grew up on the East Coast.

If she gets off, there will be a huge uptick in white women demanding to speak to the manager. Brace yourselves.

Two Snowflakes in a Sauna

If Kris Jenner was a member, it would be the Karen Koalition.

I prefer the Karen Coalition. They vow to speak to as many managers as it takes to make sure everyone else is as miserable as they are. 

One Million Moms, a.k.a. Two Broads in a Basement.

I’d wager that every bit of his “broken” look is planned and probably even professionally done before any public appearance or interview.

“My work has been forgotten.’’

I swear, if I lived closer, Bruce would be at my house being awesome in person 24/7.

That top photo of Bruce looks like his senior photo.