
Why link to the horrible Daily Mail when there are not-shitty publications with more thoughtful coverage?

EXACTLY. I don’t know when the “I don’t need no stinkin’ expert” phenomenon began and I can only hope it’ll reach its zenith soon, but I wish people would even consider the notion that a layperson cannot correctly assess everything. If you are even remotely familiar with diagnostic criteria, let alone discerning it in

If Hadid had kicked that woman’s ass, I would have loved it.

“I’m not a doctor or a psychiatrist but I’ve spoken with Natalia and I believe her. If you’re asking me if I think she is 30, that’s ridiculous.

Don’t give in to boomer and Gen X pressure...

Ah, but this is why so many people are snarling at her: she probably HAS heart as pure as a Disney princess. She’s sweet and beautiful and very much her own woman, and that can drive some deeply angry and embittered people mad.

“we failed to resolve [the incident] in a way that made either side feel supported,”

I grew up in Australia, and there was a time, especially in the 1980s, when the Aussie 60 Minutes was a respected current affairs program, with some excellent journalists doing some good investigative reporting. There was always some fluff, but the good generally outweighed the bad. Now it’s trash, and it has been for

Katie Hopkins calling anyone else a nobody? That is rich.

What gets me is that there is a Royal who has convorted with an actual pedophile and may have done so himself, but yes, let’s have two embittered women snipe about Meghan “I glow with happiness’ Markle.

At my old job, at least half the people had kept the protective plastic on the back of their computer screens and on the CPUs. It was killing my OCD/crazy virgo self so one day, I was working late and everyone else had gone home, and I went to everyone’s offices and peeled off the offending protective plastic, and disp

Excuse me! I’m being judgemental here! Thank you!

Maybe it’s because the rest of the news is a constant grind of awfulness, but I kind of love this ongoing slapfight between Actual College Professor and The Living Avatar Of The Dunning-Kruger Effect.

None. After he walked out on me and the kids I made a big point of continuing to go absolutely everywhere that I liked because fuck him, I own all these places and HE can go find somewhere new if it bothers him. 

Seriously. Headline: “Breaking:  Hollywood Father Compliments Daughter In Normal Way, more at 11"

It was nice!  It was so nice and normal as to be kinda boring!  Why is this the lede for the Dirt Bag?!?!

I thought it was nice. I feel like I must have misplaced my cynic gene or something, considering my reaction to the story that was written.

Yeah, it’s like the least-weird thing Travolta has said in a very long time.

A father says the nicest, least narcissitic, least sexist things, about his daughter in public and somehow that’s...weird? And taking credit for her doing well?

I am so glad Travolta stopped wearing the hairpieces.  He really rocks the bald head.  Now, if he can just come out from under scientology.