
That’s fair, I just meant that there is a shocking amount of minority men serving ridiculously long sentences for nonviolent drug crimes, meanwhile guys like this asshole rarely spend even a day in jail.

I assumed the child in question would be like, a 17 year old fan (which is still gross and wrong). But no, he exposed himself to a child “under the age of 13" ??? YOU ARE A PEDOPHILE. How the fuck is he not in jail?

From the article: “The threat of the agency removing children has become a weapon landlords use to force out lower paying tenants. According to dozens of public defenders and housing lawyers, some parents face a stark choice: leave their apartments or lose their kids.”

What a bunch of fucking bullshit which makes me want to throttle these people with my bare hands. Short of chaining me to the floor, there was really no way for my parents to keep me from wandering off—which I did all the fucking time. These fucking CPS people.

The amendment is attached to a bill that will give money to Donald Trump’s border wall and immigration enforcement. That likely means it will be difficult to push through, or that GOPers are cynically attaching the life of a world-famous baby to their repressive immigration law for some extra support.

If the bill passes, Charlie and his parents, Chris Gard and Connie Yates, would be able to come to the US for the experimental nucleoside treatment

Why do you guys keep using a picture of JK Simmons instead of Bezos?!?


Ten days later, a former Thinx employee filed a sexual harassment complaint with the City of New York Commission on Human Rights, alleging that Agrawal groped her breasts, stripped in front of employees, discussed her sex life with them, and engaged in boundary-busting behavior like FaceTiming them while nude or on

she found the was her.

Well I for one am shocked, simply SHOCKED, that a guy who videotaped himself committing statutory rape and urinating on a child only to inexplicably get away with it without any legal or professional consequences whatsoever would go on to continue behaving in an inappropriate fashion. Who could have possibly predicted

Such poor planning. No security, or velvet ropes, and you arrange the expensive ass art like a giant game of fucking dominoes.

Hmm? What are you seeing?

Doesn’t suicide generally annul most life insurance policies?

“And I will not allow this country to be told what to do by foreigners.”

I have a ton of men’s t-shirts simply because I like having GODDAMN SLEEVES.

Yeah, I wasn’t being gender fluid when I bought those men’s khakis from the Gap that time. I was just having a big butt and being cheap because they were on sale.

So pretty, so dumb. Both of them.

Maybe in Japan things like facts still matter, but we’re making America great one ridiculous rumor at a time!

Here’s hoping that pinche idiota Lopez’s sex life was as empty as his threats.