
 “I don’t know what the fuck we talk about!“

Nice try, but Trump is still President.

You know how every president ages like shit during their term? This is going to be the administration where we all age like shit.

I would also like to make fanny packs happen, although I’d probably go for the low-slung-across-my-hips look. I need my hands free dammit!

Dude, decavfefe.

That fact that someone needed to come up with a term to describe applying self-discipline is completely reflective of the problem. Everything needs to be catchy. Everything needs a hashtag and a meme. Everything needs a blog post.

Just for fun, I’m going to try to explain this story to my mom.

I don’t think they’re buying them. If you look at the people these bots are following, they’re almost all following the same twenty or so celebrities that twitter recommends for you when you set up a twitter account.

This is not very metal at all, Glenn Danzig.

Good God, woman, you were the one that got away! Your mom literally ran until she hit the ocean to keep you away from the all-rotting radioactive aura that is Klan Dump! Why in the name of all the saints are you thirsting with such fervor for approval from this morally bankrupt horror show of

If you haven’t watched the documentary about Anthony Weiner’s campaign that came out a couple of years ago, WATCH IT!

“My intentions was to have God kill me. I ran out of bullets,” he said. “Suicide by cop was my intention.”


there’s something ‘Coulter-esque’ about him. He seeks out controversy to pile onto and say the most outrageous, unwelcome, offside things simply to get personal attention. 

I’m pretty sure her “team” including her security whisked her away to safety, so even if she wanted to she probably couldn’t do anything directly. I don’t have any problem with that or with this benefit concert.

Not an Ariana Grande fan at all but that poor kid was so traumatized by what happened I’m sure she couldn’t think straight. I wouldn’t have expected her to go to the hospital and Piers Morgan is an asshole.

By “opera pigs,” I assume you mean Pigoletto.

Came here for that. Thanks!

It must be bad when even the judge is fleeing the country.

Butterfly pose. Swan pose. Weasel pose (bend at the hips, reach for passport)