
Just make sure
1- the laptop is locked down (no admin rights)

You know when you meet a new friend and you’re like, You are fucking hilarious! And it seems like you have so much in common and she tells the funniest stories and it’s all sunshine and light and drinking too much and stumbling home but then one morning she calls crying and is like, can I borrow money for an

Pass. This doesn’t need to be a movie.

At the time I didn’t because I had another gig lined up. But, there are Federal laws (for now) which limit what information a previous employer can give a prospective employer. One of the explicitly prohibited areas of discussion is on employee personal conduct and/or temperament (the exception being if the employee

And taking that drive offline between backups. If it remains attached, the backup just gets ransomed,too.

I’m an idiot, and I got a bit of the way through that sentence, wondering who else she meant, until I remembered that, earlier in the very same article, that was covered. “Oh, right, gender neutral pronouns. “They” in this context merely refers to Ben...”

“Whenever I talk about working for Nancy, people ask me why I put up with it all. I tell them I was 23. I didn’t know how to stand up for myself to an employer, and I didn’t quite realize I could.”

Old enough to know that posing with a swastika is stupid.

I’m sorry you had to put up with that abuse. We should be just as pissed that she berated you about the way you dressed, threw things toward you, etc., as we are about Bill O’Riely. Both types of abuse are wrong.

This little lady snuggled me all day yesterday so obviously she loves me.

The only thing worth taking away from this story is that there was a sequel to Big Dicks Little Asians. And I for one am glad they are picking up where they left off.

So were back to hating Emma Watson again? It’s hard to keep up.

I’d give anything, everything. to have a romantic partner who feels that way about me. I’ve never made it past three dates, so the idea that one person could see me and *KNOW* she wants to marry me, it just beyond conception.

And we are already off to a FLYING start.

Just remember to put the seat back down after y’all are done today, k?

But do you have gifs of baby goats?

I was hoping for some of the real basics to be called out:

It's also said to happen in 50 percent of such reunions

I worry if any one client becomes too important, because if something happens to them, I'm screwed. This happened to me recently; my biggest client lost their 2 biggest clients, and work disappeared. Fortunately, one of my peripheral clients amped up a few months later, but it was a scary summer. I've seen it

Don't bank on that one client - I did that, and in 2008 (recession hits) and they were gone.