
Thanks! :) And yeah, Netflix and movie nights were a huge deal for me personally. The relaxation and destressing was important (and in the no-vacation nation, supremely undervalued). Not only that, though, movies and TV are a great source of inspiration, both for learning to write and for getting through life.

Great article! I remember times in my life when the only meaningful financial advice would have been "make more money", because every month was a game of financial Tetris where sometimes we (my wife and I) had to skip a "free" night out at friend's houses because we wouldn't be able to replace the gas so we could go

During my college years I was almost suicidally depressed at how alone and friendless I was at times (I later got help) but I couldn't imagine joining a booze and rape factory ever, because I knew it wasn't about me as a person but whether I'd pay dues and suck up properly.

I would like to see how power bill, and also how many times the electric company has investigated him for grow ops.

ok , it maybe cos im over 30 - it may be cos im british , but ... pregnant ? i dont get the significance

I nominate you to interpret for Sign Language at Nelson Mandela's funeral.

You guys are mean. Seriously. Mean. If this woman were fat and "gushing" about eating whatever she wanted and being proud, you'd encourage her. But because she's thin and wants to eat, I dunno, grass probably, you body snark. The nose job comment?! Uncalled for. Goddamn Jezzies. Call it off. Ignore her if you don't

I've said this before and will say it again, and anyone who suffered from any form of disordered eating can back me up on this:

We also seem to find new and innovative ways to break things, but Apple cords (no matter the type) never seem to last long enough to break in a creative way. At least Apple makes sure that their cords are inexpensive and 3rd party options are easily available, right?

and remember to wipe from front to back.

Unless this is going to stop the pathetically weak rubber covering that connects the power brick to the computer from just completely falling apart and practically disintegrating, I'm probably still gonna have to waste $76 on a Mac charger.

Because when you are "one of the only..." person in your class, this is what happens. The stories my students in college tell me makes it really hard for me to tell them to stick it through, because I know how much it hurts ( I was in their shoes once at CAL) but of course I encourage them to push through and graduate

I would say it's more like Fig Rolls are a strange kind of biscuit/cake hybrid, sort of like a Jaffa Cake that actually doesn't taste nice.


But how did she know they belonged to someone else?! I'm tattooing mine with my name and address right now, just in case!

YES! I can confirm, as a Real Brit (TM) that That's Life mag is the WTF-guilty-pleasure-I-can't-believe-I'm-reading-this, pure, unadultered greatness it seems.

I'm with the girl on the left! These sorts of ring-showing-off photos seem to reinforce the idea that marriage is a "prize" to be won, an accomplishment to check off your list. Makes me feel all dirty and ooky and super duper cynical about the whole marriage thing in general. And I got married over the summer! But I'm

I like "Divorce Season" better anyway. That magical time at around age 35 when married friends start splitting up and becoming fun and crazy again.

If that did happen, they could be sued for defamation, or whatever terms them fancy lawyers use. WWJJD; my trusted and sole source of legal advice