
“I did my research”?

“an insider told us...” “a separate source told us...” yada yada yada... ‘Influencer’ or not, that’s just going it the old-fashioned way of tipping off tabloids and paps yourself (directly or through others) to stay famous for being famous – because, clearly, that sh!t still works.

Anderson Cooper’s beautiful tribute mentions how, as a teen, Gloria Vanderbilt tried to evade the public eye but would be followed around by paparazzi... can the TMZs, Jezebels and other media outlets please keep that in mind before deciding to publish paparazzi shots (or smartphone videos) of famous people’s

Same here, nothing holds. I remember as a teenager working so hard to save up to go to the best hairdresser in town for a perm, and the perm just didn’t hold... the hairdresser then re-did it and I ended up with hair breaking off and the remaining hair being very frizzy and damaged.

In unrelated news, feel free to bring Krispy Kreme donuts to the office on your birthday and send an email around to let all colleagues know, but leave out the sexist ‘joke’...

Hillsong seems to be growing in popularity, though... or have I been living under a rock? Because a year ago I hadn’t even heard of them, and then a month or so ago they rented out Wembley Arena here in London for 3 full days (capacity 12,500)... and I think it’s nice that people find happiness or solace or love in

Not just freely available but also immediately available and available together. Reading through the Dutch articles, that seems to be one of her family’s frustrations. 

Make them eat that fine traditional British food that is jellied eel

“mayor of Britain” —good grief, if you’re going to troll, at least know better.

It can *be* the DJT presidential library: load of hot air & nothing that requires reading

She’s on maternity leave. And I guess Harry’s now mature and professional so I guess we won’t see him do to DT what he did in his younger years to paparazzi following him out of night clubs.

Get over yourself already, he’s British. It’s just that butt-hurt little Englanders can’t stand non-white people - let alone *gasp* muslim people - born and raised in Britain being referred to as British. But he’s British, born and raised. And yet he gets more racist sh!t directed at him than I do as a white

I think I’m right in saying he can only be pardoned on any federal crimes and not on the other convictions....?

There’s a good podcast that’s currently diving into the details of this scandal, which makes it clear that some kids indeed didn’t know their parents helped them into college, because the only ‘cheating’ bought was the SAT (they’d get the kids themselves to sit the SATs but would not submit those papers, instead

I giggled when seeing the picture with this piece: Dutch semi-skimmed milk. Since the dictionary already contains expressions like “Going Dutch” and “Dutch courage”, could “Dutch milk” be a thing...? 

Coffee Shop was the kind of place where seats in the front of the restaurant were permanently reserved for whatever celebrity might stumble in

Are You the One? will host 16 contestants attention seekers who love swimsuits whatever they’re meant to love to gain attention, hate buttoning their shirts whatever they think will garner them more attention for hating it, and have no cumbersome gender limitations whatsoever when it comes to looking for love fame and

You raise such a good point. I’ve always been pretty outspoken in the past claiming that, while mental illness and/or addiction don’t discriminate, at least people with wealth have the means to buy access to treatment/care, but I guess the flip side of that argument is that at least people without the means to buy

They’ll be using the British royal family as human shields, I’m afraid

Also: She should totally market that t-shirt.