
You mention the first fakery of this kind as being from November 2018, but I remember this girl from 2014 - she kept up the whole thing for nearly 5 weeks before revealing she’d faked it, to open people’s eyes to online fakery. Not even her family knew about it until her big reveal.

So she sees her peers trying to look older and “that’s just so sad to [her]” ...but dressing up like a 5-year-old isn’t? Oh wait, of course not, because it brings in sh!t loads of money, so it’s alright... duh-huh.

Musk. Musk wanted to use a remote-controlled capsule to rescue the children and their coach. How on earth he was going to get a rigid object larger than a human being through there made no sense, since agile human beings smaller than said capsule were having trouble getting through the flooded caves (one experienced

Seems like you may be pointing your finger at the wrong person, there; of course it’s ridiculous if pregnant women or elderly passengers get yelled at for drinking water, but that’s not this WMATA worker’s fault.

That’s great, though, for anyone with the talent and determination for whom law school is prohibitively expensive. Thanks for explaining!

Wait, what – you can become a proper attorney without having to enroll in law school?

James? Not going to happen... :D

No James, either *cough*

I normally snark at celebrities giving their children unconventional names, with this little one I’m kind of hoping they go for unconventional, if only to stick two fingers up to monarchy, press and the Daily Fail commentariat. Baby Sussex was born a few hours after GoT aired on US TV; here’s hoping H & M were

That said, the parents have a say in it, too. I think I’m right in saying that Princess Anne did not want her children to have any titles, so they didn’t get any. I can imagine H & M deciding similar.

I’m afraid you’re right.

What’s going on with her parents is still upsetting to her, but she is also trying to focus on her own life as well. Her parents still face a lot of media attention.

It is nowadays, back then: no so much...

It’s not just about the awesome career, though, because if your career is in the public eye, every aspect of your professional appearance(s) and/or performance(s) will get scrutinised and not always in a fair, friendly or decent manner.

Your comment may - in part - fit wanna-be influencers starting in 2019, but things were different in the early 2000s, when this woman started her blog.

Adele is one of those people where I’m perhaps not the greatest fan of their music, but a great fan of the person <3

Her management took her off her own Twitter account a few years ago after she drunk-tweeted; since then she does sometimes send her own social media posts but they get vetted before they’re posted.

Looking forward to the documentaries a few decades from now revealing all the exploitation and goodness knows what else behinds the scenes of this. We get little drops of information about that now, just not (yet) the full picture. For now we’re turning our collective backs and fuelling it by buying into it and selling